Babys Coming

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Your POV

You were really so excited that your daughter was due at anytime . You haven't spoken to Zay since that day and you haven't planned on taking to him. However you did miss little man .

You were sitting in bed just chillen when Jacob walked in with his daughter . "Guess what ? We decided on Elsa Rose " You tell her . She claps her hands excitedly.

"Baby why don't you go down stairs with your grandma ? " You ask her . "Okay" she says walking out the room .

"Omg she's getting so big papi !" You say, so You decided that she will call Jacob papi and Dario Dad I know same thing but anyway . Today you guys are getting last minute things . You didn't have a baby shower because you already got all your stuff .

"Bebe grab my shoes por favor !" You ask him . "Aye Aye !" (I I) he says , You shake my head , You honestly love Jacob with all your heart . You were kind of forgetting about Dario until you walked out of your room.

"Hey Y/N . Long time no see" he said smiling at you . You held Jacobs hand and walked further down the stairs ignoring his simple ass .

"Why is he here ?" You asked your mom . "I called him here " Jacob said, you looked at him and was about to beat the shit out of him . "Why would you do that ?" You ask him . "I want him to be apart of his daughters life !" He said your eyes softened and nodded .

"Thanks bruh . You can leave now" Dario said dapping Jacob up , Jacob nodded "Take care of her man!" He says , Dario nods and You cry . You really love

Jacob . "Jacob why are you leaving " you cry out.

"I'll be back ma , I'm going to the store !" He says , You nod and kiss him . "I love you !" You say . "I love you more" he says , leaving out the door . You should've known something was wrong because he left Joseline . He gave her a bear and a note . Before he left he gave you two rings . One said Joseline , the other one Y/N .

Not long after he left you heard tired screeching and shots being fired . You ran outside to see Jacob laying on the side walk coughing up blood and laying in his own pool of blood.

"You fucking did this didn't you ?!" You scream at Dario who was standing there in shock , he looked like tears could leave his eyes at any moment . "Call a fucing ambulance" You screamed crying uncontrollably . "Hang on baby were gonna get you help " You say, all he said was . "Y'all my hair getting messed up" in a weak kind of voice .

You couldn't help but laugh at his crazy ass. He was possibly dying and he was worried bout his hair . "I luh yah papi!" You say kissing his bloody face as the ambulance pulled up rushing you back. As they basically pushed you back a pain came over you stomach . You started having deep deep pains to the point you were seeing black dots . "Somebody help me!!" You yelled as a liquid dripped down your leg . Dario scooped you up in his arms and after that you blanked out .


"Y/N can you hear me ?" The doctor asked you looked up and around the room blinking , you're worried about your baby . "What happened to my baby where is she !?" You asked in complete panic.

"Ma'am . She is still in your stomach . We are gonna have to have a c section because she's not dialated enough and she keeps getting bigger !" she explains , you nod your head and realize Jacobs in the room with bandages over his chest .

"Come with me !" You beg , the doctors look at you like you're insane . You reach out to Jacob and the figure swipes away . "I love you mami " he kept repeating . Your hallucinations were causing the doctors some worry so you got rushed to wherever they go to deliver .

"Your gonna feel high " he says , he puts a mask on you . You started to knock out and they began to cut open your stomach ! You don't feel anything at all!

Soon tiny screams fill the room . You start saying "Awe is that my baby girl ?" They didn't reply to you , you being high as hell think nothing of it . They began to sow you back up . You knock out and about 30 minutes later you wake up .

"Where's my baby ?" You ask looking around . You see Dario in the corner holding her . The sight brings tears to your eyes . "Can I hold my baby ?" You ask , Dario stands up and kisses your forehead handing you your precious little girl .

She gurgles at you batting her long eye lashes her pretty hazel eyes glistening up at you . You wipe your tears as they run down your cheeks . "Hi baby I'm your mommy" she looked at you a sniffled.

"Ma'am we need you to give us a couple things for the birth certificate. "Her name is Elsa Rose Y/l/N . 10-9-14 . Her moms name is Y/N Y/L/N. Jacob Anthony Perez as the father !" I say boldly . "Like hell he going on the birth certificate !" Dario shouts causing Elsa to jump and softly start to cry .

"Dario stop 😳 you weren't here for my pregnancy !" You say , you were irritated that he was taking this beautiful moment away from you !

"Fine whatever put Jacob as the God father and Dario as the father " you say turning your attention on Elsa . "It's almost time for your feeding " the nurse says looking at your daughter in awe.

(Jacobs Daughter up there^) Elia walks in and runs over to you ."Mommy mommy she's here the baby's here " she says clapping her hands standing on her tip toes to kiss the baby's forehead. Elsa looks at her step sister and smiles a toothless smile .

"Where's your papi?" You ask her .


Cliff hanger

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