Oooh Baby

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Y/Ns Pov ..

You decided that an innocent childs life was not nice to take. You walked into the kitchen and kissed Your moms cheek. She  smiled at you, You guys have been doing better since the other day.

You kept giving her hints that you were pregnant but You don't think she's caught on. You were supposed to go to school today so you were heading out.

"Bye baby. See You later on y/n" she calls out to You as You leave the house. You felt good today except for that little morning sickness You had.

You walked into school feeling confident. People were pointing and laughing at You. You didn't know what was so funny.

"Why is everybody going around saying that You gave Dario head?" Kayla asks You as You guys walk down the hall way. "What? Who's spreading that rumor?" You ask , You were going to be known as the school hoe.

"Um. I don't know but being the good sister I am . I believe its true but not gonna tell peoole that!" She says hugging you.

You see Ataya and her crew laughing and pointing to you. "Hit me bitch" You say, she just points her finger in Your face. You just start throwing hits and not gonna lie she got 1 or 2. Somebody was pulling You offa her. You were still throwing hits until ahe kicked You in the stomach.

You started hitting the person who was holding You back. You were crying because all You could see was blood rushing down Your legs.

"I swear to gawd bitch. Let something of happened . You will be dead bitch. " You yell to her as You get pulled to a car. You had to much adrenaline in your body but once that was down You could feel the pain in Your stomach.

"Just take me to the hospital please. " You say to the person who was driving. After 30 minutes You arrived at the hospital.

"She's pregnant and bleeding . " The voice was Dario and he was sounding kind of shaky. "Just hold on girl." He says trying to sooth You. They rush You into the ER.


"The blood was from the amniotic sac. Thats what your baby is in, its filled with the amniotic fluid. You have lost alot of that fluid but we can give you a shot that will get that fluid back to it's normal state. No more fighting okay?" The doctor says exiting the room. You sighed that was a close one.

You were happy that Your baby was fine but You didnt understand why Dario was here. Hes the one who was probably the one who spread the rumors.

"Why the hell aren't you talking?" he asks You. "Ion got shit too say to You !" You say to him calmly. "Well if your ass wasn't fighting we wouldnt be here!" he tells You.

"If yo ass wasnt telling everybody our buisness then we wouldn't be here" You say getting up set.

"What are you talking about?" He asks You.

"You told them how I gave you head!" You say turning over so he wouldn't see You cry. Your mom came busting thru the door.

"So your pregnant lil nasty ass heffer. I want You out of my house Y/N. And I mean that shit ion care where you go but yah nasty 16 and pregnant ass aint staying here"She says. You shrug your shoulders.

"I just want to die" You say silently. "Can he just kill me and my baby ?" You asked them. "Bet you dont know who the daddy is either!" She says. "No I dont" You lie.


Zay said that You could stay with him till You got on Your feet. You had all your stuff moved in and You just wanted to take a nap.

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