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It was one of those days. Niall was struggling to hide his feelings from the boys so they wouldn't notice his mood, but Zayn had caught on. He always did, Niall thought to himself. The older boy had hugged him gently and told him that he was there whenever Niall needed him. The memory made him sign as he settled himself into his bunk.

There was a small locked compartment at the foot of the bed for a book or two and a few small things. Niall just happened to keep a journal inside. Taking his necklace off, he used the key on it to open the door and grab the book.

Looking at the cover, no one would ever guess the secrets it held, some dark, some happy. The one that Niall always came back to was the one where he realized he was gay and had feelings for Zayn. That had been one of the dark days. The blood on the page and the scars on Niall's forearm could attest to the fact that it scared the living daylights out of him.

Zayn was his best friend. It wasn't hard to see why he'd fallen in love with the quiet lad. He had a page dedicated to reasons why he loved the other boy. That was what Niall was focused on right now, that page. If he wasn't, he'd be digging for a new blade, clawing desperately in his locker, fingers scrambling to find the thin but sharp metal.

Reason 1: His smile. I love the toothy, open mouthed grin. The quiet, shy smile. The slight upturn of a corner.

Reason 2: His laugh. I love the little chuckles, the full on belly laughs that are so contagious.

Reason 3: His...

"Niall! Can you come here for a second?" he heard. It was Harry, who probably just wanted his help to pull a prank on Louis.

"Coming!" he yelled back. He laid his journal on his pillow and left his bunk, passing Zayn in the corridor. He smiled at the older boy and slid past, headed to the back of the bus. He had no idea what was about to happen...

*So here's the first update. Tell me what you think. :-)

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