9: His Game

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Derek shifted in his seat, his butt, and legs had grown numb long ago. The cracking leather bit into his hands and fingers but he still didn't loosen his grip on his steering wheel. He was on high alert, impatient and wanting to just get this part over. He's always hated breaking into places. Not possessing the right type of luck for that line of work, he made sure to steer clear of it unless he was desperate.

Which he was.

Thoughts swirled in his head, leaving him with fuzzy vision and lightheaded. How did he get here he wondered. Parked in some random field, staring off at a rather large house. The wait for this dame to leave was becoming too much for him to bare. Guilt had already begun to nip and nibble on him. A blind woman to boot.

He made sure to leave that part out when he told Mel about the job. Not that it mattered much now. Mel has long been tired of Derek and his life choices.

"You never put your family first." Her icy tone hadn't warmed up any, despite the number of times his mind had replayed it.

Feeling like he was suffocating as if his thoughts took up space in the car. Derek slammed his shoulder into the door to open it, something about the lever being broken. Really he just wanted an excuse to feel something besides self-loathing and guilt. He left the door open as he got up and stepped away from the car. The cool air hit his face doing nothing to calm his rage. His eyes landed on the lone tree near him.

Dry underbrush crunched under his feet as he stomped over to the tree. Taking a few deep breaths his face became blank. A clean slate of emotion. The bare tree in front of him became his target throwing out his fist it connected with the trunk. On the fourth strike, he let out a little grunt as the bark cut deep into his knuckles. He didn't let that slow him down. Pieces of skin and bark were flying throw the air. Derek didn't care about the bloody mess he was leaving behind on the tree. 

Once the pain numbed him to a tolerable point he returned back to his car. Not even bothering to check his hands, he just grabbed a random piece of cloth out of the backseat careful to not bother the package on the seat.

"That was stupid." He reprimanded himself as he worked. Pausing when he saw a car parking outside the house. He could barely make out a person getting into the car with no help of the driver but Derek was sure that was his target. He quickly finished wrapping his damaged hand, nervous energy replacing all other emotions. 

His car backed out of its hiding spot and he knew the time it would take for the driver to get down the driveway. This wasn't Derek's first time casing the place.

A small smile found its way to his face as he drove. If he stayed with the plan he was more than halfway through. Halfway to a large lump sum. Halfway to "retiring". Halfway to his happily ever after.

Now his fun would begin. 

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