11: Fragile Lives

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Her night with Derek was the first time Lyla slept soundly in months

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Her night with Derek was the first time Lyla slept soundly in months. She liked the feeling of comfort he gave off. Which lingered around her even once they sobered up.  Musing to herself and enjoying the happy feelings before turning her mind to the task at hand. 

In the plainly painted bathroom of the relatively nice hotel room.  Lyla snuck into the shower, leaving Derek snoring away on the bed. The hot water of the shower cleared all her doubts away. As she lathered the shampoo into her hair she mentally repeated to herself that she was doing the right thing. Her inner monologue had a positive tone for a change. She noted the link between her happiness and Derek. Pushing aside the alarm and fear that raised. Reminding herself that at this moment she could only focus on her conference. 

Shutting the water off she stood in the spacious tub shower. She yanked the curtain open and half expected Derek or someone else to be standing there. Shaking the invasive thoughts she climbed out of the shower. She faced herself head-on in the mirror another first since the shooting. Staring at herself, she made notes of how much weight she lost, her cheeks looked sunken in. Her hair had lost a fair amount of its shine and color. Even wet it looked dull. Her eyes were completely grayish white. 

A loud sigh filled the room. Squaring her shoulders she faced her day. Once she was all plucked, brushed, and groomed she left the bathroom.  Searching the unkempt room trying to locate her phone. Running out of "wiggle room" time, Lyla grew frantic. Derek was more or less startled awake. He was kind enough to join in the search. 

Finally, her bag was located in the far corner of any person's worst nightmare. Under the bed surrounded by questionable content. Derek bravely retrieved it.  

With a call to a taxi service, an exchange of numbers and a mad dash to gather her belongings. Lyla rushed out the door, promising she would call or text in the next few days. Derek tried to lure her back in with kisses. She only gave in a little bit. Causing her to run through the hotel and out of the lobby. She spotted the taxi waiting on her.  

Hustling across the empty front drive she made it to the taxi. She kindly told him the address when she was settled in the seat. The driver did not hesitate to get her there. 

Reaching for her phone as the car lurched on the main fairway. Fumbling around with it as she pulled it out of her pocket.  The notification light was flashing away. Yellow, that was a custom color she made specifically for Gerard.  Her heart quivered and a fear sweat began to form on her skin. 

With trembling fingers, she unlocked the screen.  Her eyes struggled to focus. A few rapid blinks helped clear that away.  She once again tried to check her notifications. Gerard alerted her that someone entered the house while she was away. Clicking on the notification link she was brought to the app Pete created. 

A ball of nerves formed in the pit of her stomach. In turn, she felt nauseous. Impatient with the loading app she blew a breath out through her nose. The cabby gave her a long look in the rearview.   Lyla paid him no mind. The app had finally loaded.  All the data had been transmitted to her app. It was right after she left the bar with Derek.  Regret bit into her as she read that whoever entered shut off the security. So, it must be someone she knows. 

Gerard noted in the information that his software confirmed it was Emma and Pete. Lyla rolled her eyes and opted out of watching the video feed Gerard sent her to. Closing that app and opening her email. She busied herself for the remaining of the ride. 

Several emails, texts and phone calls later she arrived at her building. Straightening her spine she faced the dread that always greeted her when she walked up to the rather plain headquarters.  She made notes on how to spruce it up. In what she hoped weren't vain attempts to fight the terror that clenches at her throat.

Putting a wide fake smile on her face she opened the door. Head held high she walked into the lobby. Greeting the young, new secretary she crossed to the elevator. 

Her anxiety increased the longer the wait grew. Rapping her fingers against her legs. Tapping her foot against the floor.  With the tiny ding, the elevator reached her. She let out a sigh of relief as she stepped into the safety.  Trying to hype herself up to leave the elevator and not have a nervous break down as she went into her office. 

All too quickly for Lyla's liking. The bell dinged again and the doors opened. Face to face with her own nightmare she pushed on. Calmly she walked to her office. Smiling and greeting everyone who past her. Mentally reminding herself this was her company.  

Once the coast was clear she lightly jogged to her door. Emma was waiting inside, in clear view. Lyla lightly jumped anyway. Both women awkwardly ignored it. Emma picked up the phone on the desk and called someone in. 

Lyla spotted the new addition to the chair before the door closed behind her. The barely above a fold-up metal chair from the break room was square in the middle of her office.  Angled towards the tv too. Hanging on the coat rack was today's outfit. 

Locking the door, she quickly changed clothes. She was halfway through to the chair when she remembers she forgot to unlock the door. Seconds after she unlocked it there was a light knock. 

Deciding to just open the door. The girl on the other side was not expecting that at all and flinched. The contents of the toolbox like container she carried clacked around. Lyla leads her in and settled into the chair. Emma turns the tv on. 

"I have to go deal with some issues in my office." She abruptly said and stiffly walked out of the room. Lyla zoned out on the tv as a way to cope. Thinking over what she was going to say. Using that excellent memory she's developed over the years. She recited the words to herself. Becoming more confident. No longer scared. She felt ready to face this. 

The crowd was another story. 

Giving herself a pep talk. She reminded herself, not for the last time, that this was for her company. In a brief moment of clarifying she calmed her fears and faced her demons. 

Unfortunately, she had to wait. The professionally dressed hair stylist has only gotten through half of the styling. There was still makeup to do too. Lyla focused on the tv. Hoping that she could keep her self peace if she filled her brain with white noise. 

The show that was airing wasn't one of the few Lyla watched. She found it difficult to find interest in it. She carried on anyway. 

Eventually, enough time had past to allow the brilliant stylist.  Using a large handheld mirror she showed Lyla the results of her hard work. Contemplating hiring her for everyday purposes. Lyla dug around her bag for some cash to give a tip and a business card. 

The bright smile on the girl's face added to Lyla's delight. They left the room together. 

With ease, Lyla went to the conference room where a group was waiting for her. The group was hand-picked to include the most important/current news outlets.  There were social media influencers as well. Lyla was about to open the door when Emma popped up at her elbow

Oddly enough that didn't bring her any comfort. She took a deep breath and entered the room. She strode to the chair at the head of the table.  Nodding at everyone she took her place. 

"Thank you all for coming." She said as a way of greeting them. The mixture of men and women all had one thing in common. They all had multiple recording devices on the table. Lyla found amusement in that and chuckled lightly. 

"I will answer questions at the end." She stated. 

"This is of the utmost importance for my company." Lyla paused, wanting the flair of being dramatic. "Someone is out to take my company out." She paused again. 

"For good and I would just like you all to tell them." A wide smile appeared on her. It unnerved a few of the journalists. She now had this slightly unhinged look about her. 

"They can take it from my cold dead hands." She said in a low threatening tone. 

Emma's gasp could be heard across the room. 

"That's it! Conference over," Emma leaped out of her chair and started herding the eager journalists out. They were all shouting questions. Anger and demanding. Lyla became overwhelmed. 

This went just well she thought to herself. 

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