17: Flight or [Fight]

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Sucking in a deep breath stretching her leg out in front of her

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Sucking in a deep breath stretching her leg out in front of her. Her toes tapping the floor in front of her. Praying she suddenly had suburb hearing, she inched forward. Unsure if the shadow she saw moments ago was real or part of the programming.  

A headache began to form in the back of her head. Thinking it was from her eyes straining to make anything out of the fuzzy vision she had. Noting that her eyesight was much worse than the last time she had her implants off. The ones she had wasn't intended to be worn constantly, she knew that and chose to do so anyway. 

Her heart was thumping in her throat. Something brushed up to her leg. Her instincts screamed at her to kick it off. Then her brain registered that is fur, it was Captain. Focusing her attention on her hearing, her ears caught the soft sound his pads made against the floor. 

A smile found the nerve to appear on her face. Someone may be coming in, but she had the advantage, it was her house. Over the past few months, she had learned her space. Trying to keep her mind clear is going to be her battle. 

Softly making her way to the hallway, she cut left down the new corridor. Heading to her room, she only had to pause for a second to think about where the closet door was. 

Thinking of the baseball bat her mother gifted her. It was a part of the "you're living on your own even though I don't want you to" kit her mother gave her. Regret burned in the back of her throat and left a nasty taste in her mouth. She should have listened to her mother and kept it by her bed. Instead of having no absolute idea on where it was, but the closet seemed like the best choice. 

Quickly getting in the closet, she started digging through all the contents. 

"Why did I have to get such a large closet?" she thought to herself. Blaming the size of the space for being the cause of all the stuff in there. Sighing loudly, she rummaged her way to the back. 

Her movements jerked growing more clumsy. Lyla was frantic now, panic now constricting her. The air around her felt heavy, hot and thick. Sweat covered in her skin in a thin sheen. Her breaths became more labored. 

Captain meowed loudly, catching Lyla's attention. 

She turned to face him, as loud piercing music started to play. Heavy, fast beats rapidly played. Lyla recognized it as some kind of dance or house music. Straining to pay attention for little sounds within the music. The baseline of the music drowned out everything else. 

If she hadn't been terrified, she just might have admired the ingenuity. Right now she could barely swallow, she felt like her throat it was closing. 

Knowing I was making the worse move possible, I crouched into the far corner of my closet. Ragged breaths echoed around me. Becoming conscious that was her breathing like that. Lyla slowed her breathing down. One of her hands was white-knuckling the baseball and the other was covering her mouth in attempts to quieter herself down. 

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