Chapter 12

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Lolly POV

"Are you ready to go?" Darry asked me with a small smile. Carrot quickly stood and talked over to me. Her eyes full of love and peacefulness. She sat close and gave me a small hug before leaning over so only I would hear.

"Loll...I think you should wait another day. I think you need to think this through." She said while squeezing my arm. I bit my lip and nodded before returning her squeeze.

"Actually Darry, I think I might wait. I want to think this through. After telling your guys and the dreams...I think I need a day." Darry smiled and gave me a reassuring nod. The rest of the Gang nodded as well, many of them turning from the conversation and preoccupy themselves with other things.

Darry and Carrot took over the loveseat after Soda and Steve excused themselves for a "nap." Two-Bit was watching the TV, while Johnny and Dally played cards in the corner. By the looks of things, Dally was winning. Pony came over and say down next to me. Throwing an arm over my shoulder and we snuggled into the chair to watch Mickey. I signed deeply and looked around the room at my family. Finally I turned my head and gave Pony a quick kiss. His smile blinding me and reminding me that everything is going to be alright.

Sodapop PoV

The afternoon light slipped through the half covered windows. The blinds doing little work to make sure the two sleeping bodies did not waken. Shirts were discarded in the middle of the night. The heat leaking in from down the hall. Most likely a product of Two-Bit forgetting to shut the door behind him when he came in that morning. A quiet groan sounded throughout the small room. Bouncing off the chipped paint and stirring me into reality. My hazel eyes opened slowly and I looked around the room for the sudden noise that had woke me. Slowly I looked down, and found that Steve's arms had wrapped their way around my torso, clinging to my sweat slicked skin. I gave a small smile before placing a small kiss upon his head. How was I even going to tell Steve how I truly feel?

"I think I can hear you thinking" Steve whispered and tipped his head up. Meeting my gaze, with a small smile covering his face. "You have been really weird Soda...ever since Sandy..Mh!"

I covered his rambling mouth with my own. Our lips molding together in a delicious dance. I have never in my entire life ever felt this warm. His hands slipped up the front of my chest, seeking my nipples that were quickly pebbeling. I drew in a deep breath at the shock of his actions. Steve took this to his advantage. Slipping his tongue into my mouth. I pushed him back a few feet before looking into his eyes. Warm pools of silver met mine, a silent question behind spoken between out interaction. He gave a small nod and I smiled.

Wrapping my hands under his arms, I picked him up and rolled to the side, pinning his frame under mine. Steve let out a deep growl, and proceeded to bite down the side of my neck. Licking a hot strip up my pulse point before sucking where my neck and shoulder meet. I couldn't take it anymore. My hands slid down to his jeans, and the rest of my body followed suit. I fumbled with the buckle while he ranked his hands over my back.

"S...S...Soda, ah! Soda. Fuck yes!" Steve panted as I yanked the cloth down his thighs, falling around his ankles.

"Do you want me?" I asked. Steve bit his lip and gave a quick nod. Holding his breath and waiting to see if I would actually do what he wanted. I gave a small grin and ripped through the boxers. My eyes falling on perfect cream colored flesh. The tip was flushed a deep red as a bead of precum dribbled down the side of his shaft. I felt myself lick my lips as I looked up into Steve's face. His breathing had become rougher. I winked and began to take him into my mouth. A deep groan came from his mouth as he clenched his hands into fits at his side. I began to hum quietly, sending tremors up his cock. The taste was sweet and salty, and I can see how I could become addicted to him. I moved my head up and down, making sure to keep my teeth back. While my hand came up to run his balls.

"Soda...please...please just..."

I pulled off and learned forward. Giving his a taste of himself.

"What do you want Steve? I can't give you something if you don't ask." I teased while I began to move my hand up and down over his cock. He let out a quiet whimper and tightened his hands harder. The knuckles turning white. I smiled. "Steve, I don't care."

I returned to sucking, while I took his clenched hands and put them into my hair. A growl ripped through his throat as he wrapped his hands into my hair, before pushing and pulling my head up and down his member. I went limp. Letting his take me and use my mouth however he wanted. The head of his cock hitting the back of my throat over and over, making it sore and ache. His speed picked up and his sounds became louder. I whined and reached my hand past his balls. Pressing my thumb against his opening.

"Soda!" He screamed and came down my throat. His member pumping load after load into my stomach. After a moment of silence, I pulled off his member and moved up towards him. Laying down and giving him a deep and stated kiss. He smiled shyly. "Here...let me" He said and went to reach for my jeans.

"Haha...Steve I um...I came when you were..." I stated shyly.

" was didn't need help." He stammered. I kissed his again and nodded.

"Oh was wonderful."

"Soda? you want to go see a movie tonight?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded. 

Happy Valentine's Day. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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