Part 2

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Chapter 2

"What in the... cough... cough..." Ray and Max coughed as they came out "WHAT THE HELL TYSON!!!" the captain roared in anger as he came out of his room "OPEN THE WINDOWS" it was a command and everyone rushed to follow.

"cough.. cough.. oh my... I didn't expect this warm welcome... cough... cough... I am touched." the unknown voice said starling them as they couldn't see who it was because of the smoke all around.

"Hey!" the girl said as she found everyone staring at her as the smoke cleared "and you are?" Kai raised his brow as he scanned the girl standing in front of him "weird!!" was the thought that popped in his mind as she was wearing green baggy trousers which were folded unevenly and made her ankles visible she had a black full sleeve tee shirt on with oversized denim jacket, her scarf covered her forehead with her hair tied behind, she wore pair of worn-out white and red sports shoes with grey ankle-length socks, a bag hanging from her shoulders made her look a total mismatch to the surroundings "oh.. I am Arvi your manager" she said as she pulled her hand out from pocket for Kai "umm.. hey" Ray took her hand trying to save her from awkward situation "what you said your name was?" Tyson asked scratching his head "Arvi... you can just call me RV. Indian names are sometimes hard for foreign tongues" she said in an understanding tone.

"Mr.Dickenson didn't inform you about me?" she asked as everyone was still looking at her as she was an alien "Oh he did." Ray tried his best to make the situation less awkward "you are going to stay with us?" Max chirped "yeah... But it's fine if you guys don't have spare room left I will book a room for myself quickly no sweat!" she said pulling her bag back on her shoulders "well there is an empty bed in Kai's room" Tyson said and clapped his hands on his mouth the same moment "it's ok... I will just arrange..." She said "you can stay " Kai said sending murderous glares to Tyson "this way.." he said as he left to which Arvi followed still trying to figure out why everyone else had sympathetic looks on their faces.

"This is the room." he said as he opened the door "umm..can I take the bed near to the balcony ?" Arvi looked at him hopefully "whatever" Kai rolled his eyes and picked his stuff up from one bed and dropping it on another "thankyou" Arvi smiled at him to which he just left without a word.

"Give yourself a chance" she repeated Mr.Dickenson's words to herself before letting out a deep sigh.

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