Part 10

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Chapter 10

She avoided looking at him during the lunch as the team sat together for it, It was when Kai got up and left for their room she remembered something. "Shit." She said as she suddenly got up from the table "Everything all right?" Ray asked concerned. "Yeah I will be just back." she said as she hurried to her room passing Kai just as he entered the room "What.." Kai said as she ran past him to her bed.

"What was that for ?" He asked as she pulled the sheets of her bed covering the bag that laid on her bed "What ?" she said looking up at him as she sat in her bed blocking his view " You are weird!" he muttered as he sat on his bed "Are you going to sit here?" She said looking at him "You got a problem with that?" He said annoyed "Nope... not at all why will I have a problem with that?" She said more to herself "Don't you want to spend more time with your team?? like you know it's your team's last championship." She looked at him hopefully. "You know what? I will just go so I don't have to hear you talk" Kai said as he got up to leave, making her sigh in relief. Thinking Kai has left, she pulled the sheets and picked her blade clutching it tightly in her hands "Close call." she said as she kept it inside her pocket, missing that smirk Kai had before leaving the room.

She came out looking around when she saw Ray and Kai in the balcony talking. She smiled at them and went to Tyson and Max and Kenny, who were playing some video game excitedly.

"There is something I am telling you..." Kai said to Ray "She is just a normal girl Kai, and she is nice plus she has been so helpful to us, to you. You have seen her work, the dedication she works with, the way she takes care of the whole team, you are just being hard on her." Ray replied, shaking his head. "She hasn't caused any distractions or anything rather we are more organized and focused because of her." Ray continued as Kai closed his eyes.

"It's not about THAT anymore Ray." He finally said confusing Ray "What do you mean?" He asked confused "You will know... soon!!" Kai said leaving "Hey?? " Ray said as he was left behind still confused.

"Hey, guys, let's have a movie night tonight!!" Max said all excited "I am up for it, if I get chips and popcorns to eat" Tyson said looking directly at Arvi "okay fine you can have popcorns and chips today." she said rolling her eyes "Hey Ray? Please could you ask Kai to stay here today ?" She whispered to Ray as Tyson and Max already started talking about which movie to watch with Kenny. "Me?" Ray said looking at her "Yeah. I can not ask Tyson to do that can I?" she said as they came out of the room as Tyson and Max were pretty hyped now making it hard for them to talk. "But why would he listen to me ?" Ray said "Because he respects you, you are his friend. Come on Ray for the team." Arvi said pouting. "What do I say to him?" He asked giving up. "Okay, this is kind of last year of you all together, emotionally blackmail him if you can." Arvi said with a smirk on her face "Genius." Ray said as they giggled together.

"Come on Kai, you won't have to bear us after the championship anyway, can't you just spend one night in for us? am I asking too much?" Ray said making puppy eyes. "I don't even like to watch movies." Kai groaned, "ok fine. I think I was asking a bit much from you thinking we all are friends and we should enjoy the time we have left together but... it's okay!" Ray sighed as he left the room just to find Arvi already on the door "I tried." He said dully "Oh you did brilliant and don't worry he will be there for the movie night." she grinned "Didn't you hear him?"Ray said "Oh I did, but I happen to know him. He will be there so don't worry " She smiled.

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