Part 34

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Chapter 34

" Guys... just get out already Tyson, yeah Max please drag him along... Ray do I have to yell at you now ??? Kai I can pick up my stuff please help Max, just pick Tyson up yeah I mean it... don't stare at me like that, pick him up." Arvi yelled at Kai to which he pulled Tyson with a jerk and lifted him up in his arms, shocking the guys, Tyson grinned shamelessly as he snuggled closer to him hiding his face fully inside his jacket. "Tyson I will drop you if you do that." Kai roared at him to which he pouted quickly taking his face out of the jacket. " I won't be able to pick him like that ever." Max said to Ray to which Ray patted him on the shoulder trying not to laugh. " MOVE IT!!" Arvi yelled at them. " Seriously, a bunch of kids !!" she shook her head, locking the door.

" Yeah, I would like to have keys for our rooms, THE BLADEBREAKERS. yeah, thank you so much." Arvi smiled at the receptionist as she took the keys and tossed them towards Tyson and Kai. "Tyson and Max room 141, Kenny and Kai 142, and we will be in 143 okay, get settled and quickly come on the 3rd-floor cafeteria and have some food alright, be quick!" Arvi said as she started picking her stuff up. " what ?" She asked Kai as he stared at her. " why am I sharing the room with Kenny?" he said his voice cold as ice " oh, you want to share the room with Ray, I will just call him back." She hurried to call the guys back just to be pulled back. " you know what? forget it, I will just..." He said annoyed and left stomping his foot leaving confused Arvi behind, while Ray just slapped his forehead hard as he witnessed the two dumb people together.

" Which room are you staying in ?" Ray asked Mariah as he managed to sneak out from his room early. " I am in 138." She replied, " and what rooms are allotted to white tigers ?" Ray asked his mind running fast. " we have 138,139 and 140." Mariah said as she could sense something fishy. "great !! could you do me a favor just move to room no. 140 will you? please!!" Ray chirped excitedly. "I will at least tell me the reason. " Mariah said as they walked together making Ray grin wide.

" Kai...Kai listen up will you ??" Ray ran through the corridor following him while Kai ignored him completely. " Hey !!! can't you hear me ??? why are you ignoring me?" Ray said, finally getting hold of him. " what do you want ?" Kai said clearly not in the mood. " I want to ask you a favor, please switch rooms with me will you?" Ray said as he held Kai's hands in his to which Kai looked at him and blinked twice. " why ?" his voice came as a whisper suddenly going gentle, Ray knew he had hit the right nerve.

"umm... umm... Mariah will be in the next room and.. and... " Ray said as he blushed a little. " so you want me and Kenny to switch rooms with you and Arvi ?" Kai said, his voice sounding somewhat hopeful. " what?? No." Ray frowned but he quickly controlled his annoyance.

" I asked Kenny, he won't change the room, So can we switch places? I hope you don't have a problem sharing a room with Arvi right ?" He asked as he crossed his fingers behind his back.

" I don't have a problem but ask her..." Kai started," oh she agrees, Thank you so much I will just move your stuff for you." Ray said as he quickly gave him a tight hug and ran away, leaving behind confused Kai who shook his head at Ray and left for the cafeteria.

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