Chapter Sixteen

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Maddie tries to ignore her heavy breathing as she runs through the dark forest as fast as her legs will carry her, due to the lack of light she continuously runs into branches and scrapes her arms and face but whatever she was running towards is too important to stop. After running for what feels like years she finally comes to a clearing and sees Damon and Stefan dead on the ground with stakes sticking out of their desiccated bodies. Tears fall down her face as she tries to keep herself from throwing up at the sight, a small grunt causes her to look up from her brothers, she sees her father holding kai with a blade to this throat, she feels her heart begin to sink as she sees the familiar look in his eye, the one he would get when one of them would do something wrong.

    "father please don't hurt him! I love him" she begs

    "why should I spare him?"

    "because you've already taken everything from me, don't force me to live without him too" she pleads desperately

"this is what you deserve, for becoming one of those monsters" he says, smirking at her before dragging the blade across Kai's neck. She screams and sprints over to him holding his hand as he stares up at her.

"you could have saved us" he chokes out, then he takes one last strangled breath in her arms and she cries begging him to wake up, she gasps as her dad then walks over to and it all goes black. Suddenly her eyes open and she shoots up and out of the bed gasping for air sit up gasping for air with tears streaming down her face, she sighs when she notices Kai shuffling around, and then he sits up.

"babe are you ok?", he asks holding his hand out to her, she walks back to the bed and falls into his arms as he pulls her into his chest

"yeah I'm fine, sorry for waking you up again" she says, feeling guilty when she takes in his face, he had small bags under his eyes, and it was all her fault. She had been getting terrible nightmares every night for the past two months and she had no idea how to stop them.

    " it's ok don't worry about me. did you have another nightmare?" he asks

    "yeah", the two lay back down and he pulls her into his arms again, and she cuddles up to him curling herself into his chest as he brushes a stray piece of hair that fell out of her ponytail

    "maybe we should leave" he says

    "what do you mean leave?"

    "I mean move to another house, staying in your's has been giving you nightmares, I feel like its making everything worse"

    "where will we go?"

    "wherever you want"

    "how about a lake house?" she asks smiling, she could picture them living in a cute cabin like that forever

    "Ok we will leave first thing this morning"


Kai does this so that way he can get Maddie out of the house as he knows that Damon and Bonnie have entered the prison world

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