Chapter Twenty Five

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    "alright I need a 12 gage needle stat" Kai says while washing his hands, the girl rolls her eyes at him while standing next to carline's mom rubbing her arm.

    "stop playing games because I'm a vampire and I will rip your head off if you screw this up" Elena says

    "what she means is you need to siphon the magic out of her now" the girl clarifies, Kai then moves his gaze from her and begins to go off on one of his famous tangents which never seem to end, and Caroline's mom groans.

    "just get on with it Kai just listing to you talk makes me want to die", she snorts and Kai glares at his girlfriend, before he takes Liz's hand and puts his other one behind her neck and exhales deeply. Jo suddenly walks toward Kai angrily

    "what the hell is going on? what is he doing here?" she yells

    "hey sis little busy be with you in a jiffy" Kai says, as Damon leads the woman out of the room to explain what's going on and why this was necessary.  Kai continues to siphon and finally, after a few minutes he lets go

    "there all done" he says

    "sheriff hey how are you feeling?" Maddie asks moving over to her side

    "better, yeah I think so" she says, the girl smiles at Elena and Kai making sure to send him a look of gratitude, however the happy moments end instantly as Liz's breathing becomes strangled and her monitors start going off like crazy.

    "I think she's having a heart attack"

    "how tragic, she isn't strong enough to take the siphoning" he says

    "kai you have to fix this!" Maddie cries but he cloaks himself and he's gone in the blink of an eye


After the doctors were alerted of sheriff Forbes's heart attack they were all kicked out of the room. Maddie instantly left the hall and runs to the front of the hospital catching Kai walking across the street. He was on a mission clearly, but that didn't matter because this was her last straw, she was done. Kai had hurt her too many times and she wasn't sure if she could keep protecting him because sooner or later Damon would try to kill him if he didn't get his shit together, but typical Kai, all he wanted to do was make things harder and wreak havoc in their lives. He didn't know the line, and she needed him to know that he'd crossed it long ago.

    "Malachai Parker!" she yells, his head whips around at the use of the name his father called him. He storms over to his girlfriend and stares at her with a smirk on his face

 He storms over to his girlfriend and stares at her with a smirk on his face

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