Chapter Forty Nine

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"honey I'm home" Kai states as he walks into the house, he drops his keys on the table and hangs up his coat. He slips off his shoes and frowns at the smell of the signature smell of something burning. He speeds into the kitchen and drops the grocery bag on the table and spots his wife standing over a pan with vegetables inside of it, trying to sauté them but clearly failing. She curses and runs her hands through her hair and turns to face him with red hair and teary eyes.

    "what's wrong?" he asks walking over to her and placing his hand on her arm, rubbing it gently trying to comfort her

    "I burned the vegetables" 

    "Its ok we can just chop up more and do it again" he replies softly as he turns off the stove and dumps the charred food into the garbage 

    "god I always do that, I literally can't make anything" 

"Its ok baby don't worry about it, why don't we just start again" he asks pulling out the chopping board and placing the knife on it. She sighs and looks at him for a few moments before nodding, she walks over to the table and begins to cut up the greens again, Kai moves over next to her and watches as she chops them up and smiles.

"see that's perfect" he says kissing her cheek, she smiles slightly and continues to do her task. While she does this Kai begins to prepare the steak he'd just bought from the store and runs it out to the grill outside. As he shuts the latch he smells the familiar scent of fresh blood and speeds into the house. He finds his wife pacing back and forth in the kitchen cursing up a storm cupping her hand which had blood pouring down it. Veins instantly appear from underneath his eyes and he takes a deep breath forcing them down before approaching her.

    "let me help" he says holding her hand in his own, his eyes widen at the large gash on her finger which was near the bone and dripping all over the kitchen. 

    "Jesus how did this happen?" 

    "the ikea knife" she responds defeatedly 

    "that knife really sharp, you have to be careful you can cut yourself easily with this"

    "I know, I was being stupid" 

"Its ok, let me heal you" he says biting into his wrist and holding it out to her, she smiles slightly and brings it to her mouth drinking a bit before pulling away and wiping her lips. They both watch as the nasty cut disappears before their eyes and sigh in relief. 

    "I'm sorry that must have been uncomfortable for you"

    "don't apologize, just let me take over the cooking" 

 "deal" she responds walking over to the bathroom, she washes her hands of the blood. As she finishes her phone begins to buzz in her back pocket, she frowns and pulls it out reading the name of her twin brother. 

    "Stefan?" she asks worriedly before locking the door and keeping the water running so Kai couldn't hear 

    "hey Mads"

    "Is everything ok?" 

    "I don't know, see we have a problem and I can only think of one way to fix it. But I don't think you'll like it" 

    "tell me" she responds 

    "last week I told you that Katherine is the person who took over Cade's title, and the way I see it we only have one way to get rid of her before she destroys the town"


"Damon wants to sacrifice himself and be the one to kill Katherine at the exact time the hellfire flows through the tunnels, but I can't let him do that. Not after everything, he still has a chance with Elena. I think that we should give Damon the cure and takedown Katherine together, she wouldn't be expecting you and I can't take her alone"

    "that would mean..." she trails off

    "we'd age rapidly and die"

    "shit" she mumbles running her hands through her hair as sadness fills her heart

    "I've racked my brain for any other possible solution but this is the only way we can save our brother and the town. I'm so sorry Maddie, you were finally happy"

    "how long?" she asks sadly 

    "A few weeks, I'm not sure when yet but I'll call you and come pick you up"

    "ok" she agrees as tears fall down her cheeks 

    "live your life sister, be with him while you can" 

"I will see you soon brother" she responds before hanging up the phone, she allows it to drop from her shaking hands and clatter against the tile floor. Her body gives out and she falls to the ground bringing her legs up to her chest as tears stream down her face rapidly. She couldn't process the fact that she would be dead, leaving Kai all alone. She wondered what he would do when he found out, would he revert back to his old ways? Would he hurt anyone? Himself? She hoped that he didn't need her as much as she needed him, but deep down she knew that he did. They relied on each other for everything, neither was completely alone. Guilt fills her body as she remembers her promise from a few days prior, she said that she'd never leave him as he feared. She had to break that promise, she had no choice. She couldn't let her brother die when he had the rest of his life to live. She knew better than anyone that she couldn't have a normal life with Kai, sure they would be happy but time was their worst enemy, eventually, something would tear them apart. As she sat on the cold floor Maddie Parker wondered why the world couldn't just let her and the love of her life be happy together, it was like they were never destined to live their lives together. They were always so close to forever and then something would force them apart. After a few more minutes of intense crying, the girl gets up to her feet and wipes her tears hoping that he wouldn't notice her blotchy face and red eyes. She turns off the water and walks back into the kitchen where she spots Kai wearing his signature apron, he looks up at her holding a box of cake mix with a confused look on his face.

"a stick of butter kinda seems like too much" 

"If thats what the recipe says then it's probably fine" she responds moving to the barstool and leaning her head against her hand watching him make dessert with love in her eyes. She would miss watching him cook, he was truly amazing at it. That was one of the many things she was going to miss about the man she loved, but she refused to think about it now. Rather than dwell she would spend her last few days with him with nothing but happiness and appreciation in her heart. 

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