In come the Big Six

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That night, Eclipse laid in her room, thinking. 'Why does Ethan look so familiar?' she thought. 'I feel as if I've seen him before...but where?' She faced her window, and placed her finger on it. A complex design immediately swirled around the spot she touched. Soon enough, the design turned into a silhouette of Ethan. 'I wonder...' She decided to teleport to one of her favorite places where she knew the Big Six would hang out, on the top of a hill over-looking the city. When she got there, she saw that Rapunzel was there. Then Rapunzel started to sing and her hair began to glow. "Hey Rapunzel." She stopped singing and turned around. "Hey Eclipse! What brings you here?" Eclipse then sat down next to her. She responded, "Well, I figured someone was going to be here that i can talk to." "Okay then, what do you want to talk about?" Rapunzel asked. "Well, there's this guy I met, kind of by accident. So, we talk and he shows me that he control light. After a while, i left, but i couldn't stop thinking about him. The next day, i meet up with him, and he tells me about his past and what he's been through." Rapunzel stopped her. "So, you think you like him?" Eclipse blushed at how easily she guessed. "Eeeeeee! I knew it!" she exclaimed. "Well, the thing is there's this nagging doubt that comes up when i think about him...I feel as if I've seen him before."

Rapunzel took the thought into consideration. "Well," she said. "Maybe you have." Eclipse looked at her, confused by what she meant. "What i mean is, that some time long ago, you could've crossed eachother's path." Eclipse thought to herself. 'Crossed I've never up front met anyone good, only evil-' Eclipse gasped. 'No. No! It can't, he's not evil. I'm sure of it.' "You alright Eclipse?" Rapunzel asked. 'Might as well let her know.' "It's just, I never really crossed paths with anyone good-except for you guys. I've only met those that are evil. So...i just thought he-" Eclipse couldn't finish the sentence, but then said "I figured that it wasn't the case. Must've forgotten exactly where I've seen him." Rapunzel told her, "I'm going to have to go against you with this one. I mean, I could be wrong, but something's not right." For a while they just sat, and saw the city buzz with life. Suddenly, the girls heard a loud 'BANG!' and sirens. They looked at each other. "You go down there and check it out, I'll get the others." Rapunzel said. Eclipse nodded, and disappeared.


Down in the city, sirens were wailing, people running, and between it all, Ethan was running. He couldn't fly; he would've gotten caught. So he ran and ran, until he reached an empty store. Ethan looked around to make sure no one was watching, then entered the closed up store through a secret door. He layed against the wall and waited for the police to pass the store. After a while, he opened the bag which he brought with him and took out a rare gem. What Ethan had done was snuck into a government protected mining cave just outside of the city. There, the gems were being collected for safe keeping. He snuck in when no one was looking, and took one out of the cart. Suddenly, someone yelled, and everyone came running to Ethan. He had then ran to the mouth of the cave, and caused the earth to close that opening. The sound of the earth falling caused commotion. So there he was, sitting in that empty store.

"I'm weakening..." Ethan said to himself. Lifting the gem to the sunlight, he saw that it glowed abnormally bright. So bright that it illuminated the whole room. He then saw Eclipse at the other side of the store. "Eclipse...?" he said. "Ethan, what are you doing here?"she asked him. He put down the gem and before he could say anything, Eclipse said, "Do you know what was behind that loud bang?" "Uh, no. I was...just about to go check it out myself." he replied. She sat down next to him and said, "Well, the Big Six are going to look at it now. I doubt they'll need our help." The two of them sat in silence, thinking about what to say. "Um-" "So-" they both began. Laughing, Eclipse said, "You first." Ethan stood up and thought 'Remember, I have to stick with my deal or else Pitch won't give me extra power'. "Come with me."he said. "Where?" As Eclipse grabbed his hand, he said, "You'll see."

Down at the cave, the Big Six were attempting to remove the rocks. "How could have this happened?" asked Merida. "We're all just as confused about this as you are." Hiccup said. Rapunzel had told them how when talking with Eclipse, they heard a loud bang. "I'm just worried there are people in there." she explained. "Well," Anna said, taking a short break. "If there are, it's going to take a while because these are some pretty heavy rocks." "Hey, no slacking off Anna, these people need our help." Jack scolded her. She sighed as she continued to move the rocks as best as she could. Elsa then said, "This little 'accident' couldn't have been just a natural disaster. By the size of the rocks, they must have been created by some magical-infused person." "So, you mean, like, someone with earth powers?" asked Hiccup. "I think I get it..." Jack said to himself. "Oh, teach us most wise one." Anna said sarcastically. Jack jokingly shot an ice blast at Anna's feet, missing of course. "Hey!" she yelled. "That's enough Jack." Elsa told him. "She started it," Jack muttered. "Anyways, like how Elsa and I have ice powers, this person had the ability to manipulate the earth." "Ohhh..." the others said in unison. They all looked at each other, thinking the same thing: 'But...who?'

Eclipse- daughter of Pitch BlackWhere stories live. Discover now