Close, but not close enough

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Once the two were on the other side of the forest, Eclipse faced Ethan. Trying to catch her breath, she said, "Okay... Ethan. You...need to...start...talking." Taking a big gulp of air, she finished, "How the heck does he know you?" 'Oh no, i can't just tell her! She'll never listen to me and become evil...I won't get more power, i... she won't trust me,' Ethan thought. "Well?" Ethan looked around for an answer, but didn't find one. "Look, here's the deal..." Then it came too him. Good guy act! I trick her into thinking I'm good! "Micheal was, uh, one of my enemies. I used to fight him a lot, and-" Eclipse stopped him, "Really? Is that so? Because, i remember for a fact that I used to be friends with him...well, when i was still evil. We went to an evil academy together, and i don't remember him talking about you as his rival." 'Oh no. This isn't going to end well.' Ethan thought to himself. Eclipse continued, "Once, i turned good, he'd always try to kill me for 'betraying him'."

She walked up to him and got in his face. Grabbing him by the collar, she said, "What's really going on?" All of a sudden, Ethan heard Pitch's voice in his head. 'Yes, rile her up more, she's just on the verge of losing it! Tell her, she'll go evil, and you'll get all the power you-' "NO!" Eclipse pulled his shirt. "No, what." she said in a dangerously calm voice. Without warning, he pulled her face close and kissed her. Eclipse, in shock, released her grip, then pushed him back. She stared at him in disbelief, then, not wanting to see him, she disappeared into the shadows.

After she had gone, Pitch showed up in front of Ethan. "What was that?!?" Pitch yelled. Ethan didn't respond. "The plan was to make her evil! Not get dragged into taking her side!" He pushed Ethan, but Ethan stopped him. "It's not my fault!" They both began to fight.

"Not your fault?!" Pitch yelled, knocking him over with black sand. Ethan sprang back up, sending a bolder at Pitch. "Well you're the one who couldn't get her to stay evil in the first place!!" Pitch dodged. "WHAT, YOU THINK I JUST LET THIS HAPPEN? I'VE DONE ALL I CAN!" He formed a sand dagger and swung at Ethan. "WELL YOU OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T DO ENOUGH!" Ethan yelled, flashing a bright light into his eyes. Pitch fumbled backwards, and Ethan took advantage by kicking him. Pitch then build a cage and pushed Ethan into it. As Pitch locked it, he said, "Forget about getting more power. You're obviously not evil anymore, and i don't help good. Now, all that'll happen is that you will get weaker and weaker, unable to fend for yourself." With that, Pitch left laughing, knowing well enough Ethan's mind would devour him with fear.

Ethan sat there and thought, 'What have i done?'


When Eclipse disappeared, she teleported to the same hill in which she talked with Rapunzel. She tried to sort all the information in her head. 'Okay, first of all, Ethan obviously is hiding something from me. I can't seem to remember where I've seen him before. Micheal, of all people, knows him! Rapunzel says we may have crossed paths before, and I...i got mad at him. Then, he kisses me!" Eclipse sat down, hugged her knees, and rested her head on them. "Gosh, this is all way too confusing." She then heard a voice behind her.

"What's confusing?" It was Jack Frost. "Jack? What're you doing here? Where are the others?" Eclipse asked. He sat down next to her and said, "They're still helping to clear out the cave." "Shouldn't you be helping them? You know, 'Mr. MachoToughGuy'?" Jack elbowed her. "What, can't I take a little break? Besides, the girls have Hiccup." The two stared at each other and burst out laughing. Then, Jack spoke up. "So, what is so confusing?" Eclipse adjusted herself and told him the entire story.

They sat in silence, thinking of what she just said. "You know, I don't want to worry you or anything, but it sounds like this Ethan guy might be a..." Jack stopped short. Eclipse knew what he meant. "I know. I thought that too, but in all my time of being evil, I don't remember seeing him, much less knowing him." "Well, one thing's for certain, you have to ask him yourself." Eclipse groaned, already not looking forward to their encounter. Jack held her by the shoulder. "Seriously, it's important you clear things up." Sighing, Eclipse stood up and said, "Fine. Though I'm not quite sure what to say." Jack stood up too saying, "Don't worry. You'll know. Now I better go," he gestured towards the city's direction. "We all know too well Hiccup isn't strong." Eclipse snickered. Just before she left, Jack told her, "Oh! Be sure to look for a sign that he's lying or something! Like if he looks away or can't answer quickly." With a nod, they both went they're separate ways.

Eclipse- daughter of Pitch BlackWhere stories live. Discover now