Chap 17

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Chapter 17


For many times Alex imagines his own deaths.

He also dreams about it. A lot. Even in his worst nightmares, the processes are always vague and fast, nothing like what is actually happening right now. There were no hands holding him tightly. No wet, warm breaths on his skin. No fast heart beats against his rib. No Miles.

His vision blackens completely for a second, but then a spike of warmth explodes in his chest, pulling him back. Alex realizes Miles is desperately trying to suppress his trembling, doesn't wanting to jolt the injury on Alex's back even more. The bleeding must have stopped, but the wound is far from healed. Miles doesn't have much strength left to cure him. It's hard enough for him to keep Alex awake.

Alex pokes at his shoulder. "Mi..."

"If I were you, Mr. Turner. I'd save my breath to live for another... 5 second." Fox mocks.

He bends down, the simple motion enough to make Miles scream. "Back off!" Alex has never seen Miles so wretched and helpless. He sounds like a frightened child. "Do whatever you want with me but don't touch him."

"I already did. It seems to me that you can't stop me from doing anything." Fox stands up tall, walking over to the other side. He's wearing a suit. The creases and blood stains indicate a previous fight. Something about him scares Alex as well, and he has seen many horrible scenes.

Fox looks up at the black smoke inside the fender. "What is this?"

"The monster is dead." Miles lies immediately. Fox's face falls.

Another pulse of magic is pushed into him, giving Alex enough strength to raise his head. "Miles, don't." Alex murmurs, seeing how white Miles' face is. His shirt is soaked with cold sweat and Alex's blood.

Alex wants to stop Miles from wasting the last bit of his magic. However, Fox suddenly couches down beside them, grabs a handful of Alex's long hair and pulls so hard that Alex lets out a weak scream, bending his neck up uncontrollably. The wound on his back is on fire, making the pain in his scalp a barely noticeable sting.

"NO!" Miles clutches at Fox's wrist. The man hisses and loses his grip, backing off until he's out of reach. There's a burning mark on his skin. Alex falls back down and immediately Miles cups the back of his head, holding him closer. "I told you not to touch him." Says Miles, using his other arm to half lift himself up from the group.

The humiliating attack and the fact of being a total burden makes Alex's eyes blurry. It feels like the inside of his body is liquified. The shot is closer to his right-hand side and the only thing Alex can move now is his left hand. There's no chance he can be of any use right now.

Fox sneers. "You've learnt some tricks, Miles. Looks like you've also got a fool who's willing to die for you!"

His smile is nothing but horror. "I'm impressed. I wonder how you did it." He turns to Alex, "He can't be that good in bed, right?"

"Shut up you monster." Alex hears himself saying. The retort startles Fox, making him laugh out loud. His gun again points at them both. "My bad, Mr. Turner. Don't know you are in such good spirits."

"How do you know where I am?" Miles asks. His hand moves down, and the overwhelming pressure inside Alex's chest is slightly lifted. "Where's Eva?"

"Oh...she's here. Could've gotten away if she's not busy with...well," Fox answers joyfully. "Eva, show Miles here an old face. You must have missed each other!"

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