Chapter 11

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"We have a hostage situation. It's Y/n," Nat says over her com as Bucky pushes you behind him. Then Tony appears beside Tasha.

"Hey there sport. I thought Everett told you to stay in the office," Stark says as he taps his wrist, which becomes a iron-glove.

Bucky saw two guards rounding the corner. He grabbed your wrist tightly and pulled you in front of his face.

"They think your a hostage, so your going to fight against them because I'm forcing you. Got it?" He says as Tony shoots an electro blast at you two.

You nod as he pushes you towards Tony and runs another way. Tony aims at Bucks new position, but you thought quick.

You grabbed a large plate and jumped in front of Bucky just in time. You ducked behind the metal plate, as if it was Steve's shield.  

The shot ricocheted off the metal and shot back at Tony's glove, missing just slightly.

"Y/n? What are you doing protecting him?" Tony asks as Nat comes at you.

"I have to," you mutter as you dodge Tasha's lunge.

Bucky finished the two guards and pointed a gun at both of their unconscious form. By then, Tasha had you on the ground with your elbows above your head.

You watched as Tony aimed for Bucky once again.

"Bucky watch o-OW!" You yelp as Tasha used her knee to put pressure on your ribs.

You could feel them slowly about to crush.

"I'm sorry Y/n.." she says as she keeps the pressure going.

You scream loudly as you look into Nats eyes. You went into her mind and pulled up some of the best memories between you and her.

As she watched the little montage playing in her head, you stood and limped lightly.

You looked and saw Tony fighting Bucky, so you quickly knocked Nat out while she was distracted and ran today's Tony.

You use your speed kick, landing in right in his chest. He gets thrown back into the wall, cracking it immediately.

Bucky, who was behind you, gripped your waist slightly.

"Let's go," he whispers as you shiver.

You nod slightly and turn to face him. Again, his ocean blue eyes captivating you. T'Challa comes from nowhere and kicks Bucky away from you.

He fights with Bucky, landing lightning fast kicks and some punches. Bucky gets a counter punch in and T'Challa falls, but quickly recovers.

Bucky grabs you and runs up some stairs. T'Challa leaps the levels and vaults a railing, landing in front of you and Bucky.

T'Challa spinkicks and grabs Bucky's metal arm which he tries to twist then looks worried as he realizes it isn't going to work.

He throws Bucky backwards and keeps hold as they both tumble down the stairs.

When he recovers, he looks at you and reaches for you, but Bucky grabbed him and dragged him down further.

They resume fighting, and when they were finished tumbling they landed on the small landing. T'Challa leg sweep sends Bucky over the railing.

You were tired of it, as T'Challa leaps down after him but finds the wide reception empty, you ran down towards him.  

But Bucky quickly grabs your arm from behind a wall and takes you up another pair of steps. He marches up to a blue chopper and pulls the lock off the door.

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