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Javi POV

Once I got home I took a nap. when I wake up I see Grayson laying next to me. asleep. I see his book bag here too. I shake him awake.

" Why are you in my bed?"

" Because my mom isn't home so I'm hanging with you."

"Ok but why are you in my bed though?"

" I saw you asleep so I decided to join you."

I shove him to the ground and he grabs my waist so I fall with him and I land on top of him. It's like I'm kinda straddling him but I'm not. I hear chuckling. I look up and see our moms.

" You guys are acting like a married couple" Diane says laughing.

I blush and see Grayson blushing.

" Your blushing." I say to him while smirking.

" No I'm not" he retaliates

" Yes you are"

"Am not"

" Are too"

"Am not "

" Are too"

" Love you"

" Love you too."

" Wait what?" I say confused

Grayson is cracking up.

" You fell for it. You admitted your undying love for me."

" So did you." I smirk. We notice my mom filming.

" No no no no no." we say in unison

" Yes yes yes yes yes." our moms say in unison

My dad comes up here and sees our position. He just says ' i don't want to know.' And walks off. I get off him and hold out my hand. He grabs it and I nearly fall again. I hear our moms walk out.

" You want me I know you do." he says smirking

" In your dreams."

" See you there." he winks

" Bite me." I roll my eyes

" When and where sunshine." He smirks

" Out." I hand him his bag and shove him out.

" Bye sunshine." he smirks

" Bye."

Time lapse

I wake up and I go to take a shower when I get out I see Grayson in my room.

" What are you doing here?"

"waiting for you."

" Well go wait in your own room." I shove him out the window and shut it. I'm about to drop my towel when I remember and go draw the curtains. whoo that was close.

Grayson POV

I was looking out the window when I realized she didn't close the curtains. she's about to drop her towel. and she closes the curtains. so close.

Javi POV

After I get changed I head down stairs for breakfast. after that I walk Bea to the bus stop. I see the boys there. I notice Brandon not there so I go a bit farther and see him almost sucking off another girls face I call the guys over had we wolf whistle. Brandon got so red.

" Why'd you have to do that?" Brandon whines

" The bus was around the corner." I say in a duh tone

" Oh." once again he blushes and I must say he's hot when he blushes ;).

Time lapse

I walk down the hall and see Chase Baker, the most obnoxious senior this year, picking on Grayson because of his accent.

" Hey cut it out." I call, storming over there

" Oh yeah wha-" he turns around and freezes pure horror on his face.

" I'm s-so s-s-sorry." he stutters and runs off.

" What was that about?" gray asks clearly confused


Last year everyone thought I was super perky since I was nice. but one day the most obnoxious senior at the time came over to me.

" Sup freshie." he says trying to provoke me

" You look like your about to cry, do you want me to call your mommy."" I roll my eyes and turn around to walk away.

" Yeah just go back to your loser friends, and nerdy annoying little sisters." he smirks and shoves me forward almost pushing me to the ground. oh hell no. I whip around and twist his arm behind his back so he's bending down to my height. the hallway is silent.

" Listen you douchebag. you will call me a freshie but you will not talk about my friends and family. so don't fucking talk to me." I growl at him. my parents say whenever I'm pisses my eyes turn from sparkly to ice cold and they shoot venom. and I carry my self differently. not slouching but ready to attack. I see his face, terrified. I see people rubbing their arms. do I make it seem colder? I release him and he runs. The teachers watching come up to me and say nice job and that they'll let it slide.

Flashback over

I tell gray the story. he just stands there with his mouth hanging open.

" You did that to him?"

" Yeah now all the obnoxious guys and girls are scared of me now. the other day some guys that were the most hard core, don't take any crap guys that graduated where picking on a kid. I walked up to them and they ran."

" Ok I'm not sure if I should be scared or happy your my friend."

" Probably both."

" Yeah."

A/N: short I know sorry

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