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Javi POV
After we wake and eat breakfast we get dressed for our day of cute pictures. I'm wearing a floral sleeveless dress with a little bit of my sides showing and white converses. Maggie is wearing navy blue strapless sundress with a flare skirt. Gray is wearing skinny jeans with a white t-shirt and a dark blue varsity jacket. Ethan is wearing khaki shorts and a vineyard vines short sleeve shirt. Will and TJ are wearing black skinny jeans and tees that have writing on them. TJ has one that says free kisses and Will has one that says free hugs. Jacob has a soft pink button down and khaki shorts and branden has khaki shorts and an aeropostale crew neck sweatshirt. we start out by taking the classic one in front with a camera and the other with their arms wrapped around their waist from behind mirror pic. We had TJ, Brandon, Maggie, and I in front and Will, Jacob, Ethan, and Gray in the back. Then we head to the soccer fields. While the couples do the picture where one stands on a soccer ball and kisses the other, Gray and I do it so I'm on a soccer ball kissing his cheek. Then we do some other cute photos. We eventually head back home. and I print the pictures out. half of the pictures are just us messing about. I make copies for everyone of the funny ones and give the couples their's. They all decide to head home and gray and I go put the pictures up on my wall. Since gray and I are tired we order a pizza and watch the little mermaid.
" Damn it why did Ursula just have to ruin it for them that's my second favorite scene of the movie!?" Gray yells with misty eyes.
" Calm down it's going to be okay." I say trying not laugh while secretly filming.
" No it's not Javi! Now Ursula is going to take Ariel and turn her into a weird worm thing!" Gray yells putting his head in his hands.
I keep recording as the movie goes on and gray's reactions keep getting funnier. At the end he has tears streaming down his face.
" why are you crying?" I say wiping some of the tears away.
" Because now Ariel will have to say bye to her family!" He says hugging a pillow.
" But she will be happy." I say
" I guess so. " Gray says sniffling.
I stop recording and edit the parts where he isn't being a drama queen and post them online. A little while later he looks at his phone.
" Javi I'm going to kill you. " He says looking at me.
I run up to my room And shut the door. he comes up and starts tickling me. He is sitting with his legs on either side of me so I'm trapped. I eventually get him off of me.

Time lapse

I wake up and realize it's the last day of school.
" Gray! Gray! Gray! Gray!" I yell while bouncing on my knees.
" What sunshine?" He said kind of annoyed
" It's the last day of school!" I yell
" Good for you. " He says sarcastically
" We can wear whatever we want. " I say
he jumps up and runs to get ready. I just laugh. I decide to wear an upper-mid thigh dress that's baby blue with white polka dots that is wide strap tank style. And since its school I wear my baby blue new converse. (picture to side or the first page for you mobile users). Gray wears his pattern tank top with khaki shorts and blue vans. We walk to the bus and once I get on the bus the players and jerks start catcalling. Gray puts his arm around my waist and mouths suck it to them. I laugh at their expression. Then Alexia stands up with a hurt look on her face.
" Gray I thought we were together" she whines
" I never said that besides to the guys your just a decent f***. Besides sunshine here can speak portugese" He says
I try not to laugh. All of Alexia's friends say 'you a hoe you a hoe you a hoe' as I walk by.
I just stop and turn to them and say " Yeah bitches I'm a hoe, but whatcha gone do about it?" They shut up after that.
At school we have an assembly where people can go and sing. Alexia goes up and sounds like a dying goat. Then gray goes up and sings thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran. I go up and sing I'm a fool by Kelly King. By the end everyone is shocked I blush and walk off stage.
Gray whispers " that was amazing sunshine"
"Thanks Bear." I say pecking his cheek.
" Bear?" He says
" Yeah you need a nickname too. " I say smiling showing off my dimples. The day ends soon after. The group and I decide to go to the beach, Will drives since he's older than us. I put on my barca bikini ( a/n: if only they did have those) with shorts over it and a towel. I spray on sunscreen once we get there. Gray has on blue and black striped board shorts. And the other guys have on the same thing except different colors. Maggie has on a blue bikini. Once we get there we go to body surf. A big wave knocks me down and the strap on my bikini comes undone. Shit shit shit shit. Maggie is on the beach drawing in the sand and the closest one to me is gray. Shit.
" Gray?"
" Yes sunshine"
" Can you tie this?"
He smirks. " I don't know I might like it better untied."
" I swear if you don't tie this goddamn thing I will ball tap you." I say warningly
He laughs and moves closer so he can tie it " Feisty, I like it." he whispers in my ears.
I feel my face heat up. Then we here wolf whistles. I look and see the group standing there. Maggie says " keep it pg guys." I roll my eyes
" He's just tying my strap back since it came undone."
"Sure." they all say smirking
Gray all sudden pats my neck and says " there all done in a nice little bow."
I laugh and Gray pouts like a little boy which I must say is adorable.
" Stop laughing" gray says as we starting heading into shore.
" Nope" I say then I trip on the sand at the shore and gray somehow falls on top of me. He starts leaning in and he gets closer and closer and.......a wave hits us while our friends are catcalling. Oh god gray tried to kiss me twice. Oh god Oh god. we get up and head home. Well this day was eventful.

Time lapse

I wake up in grays arms. He's just looking at me and smiling. not like creepily but kind of a nice smile.
" Morning Sunshine." He says kissing my forehead
" Morning Bear." I say smiling.
" I'm going out with the guys so stay safe." he says putting on pants and a shirt since he sleeps in his boxers
" Ok have fun." I say
" Later love." he says, since when is he British.
" Later." I say
Well now I can have a girls day with Maggie.

Gray POV
I head over to Ethan's house to hang.
" Well, well, well, I'm surprised we were able to pull you away from her loverboy." Brandon says smirking.
" What do you mean?" I say
" Dude it's obvious you're whipped on her!" Jacob says
"No I'm not we're best friends." I say. I don't like her she's just a friend. Right? Yeah just a friend.
" Whatever you say." will says.
" yeah" the rest of the guys agree.
" Whatever I got to go." I say grabbing my jacket.
" Bye loverboy." they call
I go to Alexia's house. She opens the door.
" Hey babe." I say smirking.
"Hey you here for some fun?" she asks seductivly.
" Yep." I say. This should take my mind off things.

Javi POV
I get home and gray is there. He smells of sex. For some reason I'm mad.
" Your sleeping on the couch." I tell him
" Why?!" He asks
" Because you had sex and I don't want to smell like that in the morning." I respond plainly.
" Fine" he grumbles
I head upstairs and try to get some sleep but it's hard since I'm so used to grays body next to mine. I kinda miss it. No, Javi. No you don't. He's a player.
But it is nice to have something to hold.

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