I know i did wrong

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Recap:China opened the room where Russia was facing away from the door. He turned his head to look to see who was entering the room, but looked away when he saw it was China.
"I'm sorry Russia please don't be mad at me." China said walking into the room. Russia didn't say a word or move. "Russia please talk to me," China continued. "You know I love you and I get really.... jealous or angry every time she ask you."
Russia turned over. "Please forgive me!" China pledge to Russia with what seemed to be eyes for of regret. "Ok but don't let it happen again." Russia finally said. China smiled at Russia and sat on the bed. "Some how even though I've lived the longest I find ways to mess up, even when it come to simple things." China said laying on the bed.
"Da even we aren't perfect, China." Russia replied.

China smiled at his reply, not knowing what else to do. "come on rets go get dinner started." China patted Russia on the back then stood up.

China x Russia HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now