the blind kid

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Louis gets into fights. Harry can't see. Cutesy high school AU with a lot of puns.


Personally, Louis doesn't know what he did wrong. A stupid chav was making fun of his sister and she started crying, so Louis did the right thing and punched the lad. Sure, maybe he had a 'history' of it or something. It isn't his fault there are so many stupid people in the school.

When he told his mum that, she said he should hope for his own sake that there are less at this new school. Louis agrees, but only because switching schools again after this means going somewhere nearly an hour away.

His first day is mostly uneventful. Either Louis' reputation has preceded him, or the kids aren't that different; nobody pays him any attention. A few nervous or curious glances, but that's it. Louis is pleasantly surprised. He's not even concerned about the walk home. This new school is only a little further from his house than the old one, and it's a lovely day.

He's walking through the corridors at the end of the day in a relatively content state. Maybe this school will be different. Then a few meters ahead of him, he sees the telltale cluster of bodies that means a fight. Louis hurries to see what's going on.

The fight turns out to be rather one-sided. One kid is pushed to the ground and the others are picking on him. There's something weird about it, though, about how the one on the ground is reaching into the air, not trying to get up. Louis doesn't like that. He knows his mum won't approve, but hopefully she'll understand. He has to get involved.

"Hey," Louis says sharply, pulling the meanest one out of the fray. He dumps his book bag to get between a couple of the others and the one on the ground. "Stop it," he glares fiercely at the others. "Get away from him. Here." He reaches for the boy, catching the hand that's searching the air. Instantly, the lad grabs on, clinging desperately.

Louis gets shoved hard; he kicks back, but only once. Use your words, his mum instructs in his head. "I said get the fuck away from me, you fucking bastard pricks. They'll kick me out again for fighting, but I don't even care. I'll fucking end you," he shouts at them.

Once he sees they're mostly retreating, he turns his attention to the kid. He's got his eyes shut tight, still clinging to Louis' hand and sitting on the ground. Maybe Louis is scaring him. "Hi," he says, trying to sound friendly. "Are you alright?"

The kid feels over the ground first, and Louis looks around to help. He hands the boy a pair of sunglasses that were knocked over near the wall. "These yours?" he asks.

"Yeah. Thanks." The kid has a really deep voice for how young he looks. He makes no effort to stand, but he won't let go of Louis' hand, even while he puts the glasses on.

"This locker yours, then?" Louis asks, to make conversation. "This open one?"

"Yeah," the kid nods once.

"Okay. Um. I'm Louis, by the way." Louis is at a loss. He's not very good at being friendly.

"Harry. Thanks. For, um. Yelling at them," Harry mumbles.

"Sure. You gonna stand up any time soon?"

Harry hesitates. "Uh. Well. I'd need help."

"I'll help," Louis finds himself saying. "But why?"

Harry presses his lips into a hard line and doesn't answer. He pulls hard on Louis' hand and struggles to his feet, wobbling a bit. He reaches out with his free hand for the wall and uses that to steady himself. "I can't see," he says softly.

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