Never Shut Us Down

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Louis is an insecure mess and he hides behind his blog. Harry's a boy with a personality too bright and he's everything Louis thought he would hate. They end up falling in love.


As it turns out, Louis is a bit too fond of blogging. Honestly, he doesn't know how it took over his life but somehow it did and now he's left staring at his Tumblr dashboard, unable to stop himself.


He remembers it was just a year ago when he finally decided to give into what his sister Lottie still continues to pester him about anytime she visits him at University.


Lottie looks him for the third time that day and asks, "Louis, can I borrow your laptop real quick? I just wanted to check my Tumblr inbox is all," once again, all smiles and bright eyes and really, who is he to deny his little sister anything.

So he merely hands over his laptop and later that evening when she leaves, he finds himself staring at the site lodged in his internet history.

He shrugs his shoulders and clicks on the page. He presses the button to sign up and easily fills in his information without a hitch.

When asked what he wants his URL to be, he merely pauses a moment before a grin takes up his face and he types doncastersfinest because even if he's at some huge university in London, he still loves Doncaster no matter what. And he will always be their finest.

When the site loads a blue page, asking him to follow some blogs he merely skims over it, pressing follow on some of the users before he goes back to what he now knows as his dash.

He pauses before pressing on the new post sign and watching as it opens a new tab for him to type into. His fingers halt on the keys as he tries to figure out what his first post should be.

He decides not to think too much and this ends up being his first post:

what the hell is a tumblr

It currently has over a hundred thousand notes. He likes to pride himself on that. And it's not even his post with the most notes.

He has nearly fifty thousand followers, in his mid forties at the moment and it surprises even him sometimes because these people-all these people actually follow him and think he's funny.

Even when he posts the most random shit, like:

did i just eat eggs on toast or was that my roommate's foot served on a platter

And really, he doesn't think it's funny, he says it because that's what he's honestly thinking as he holds the eggs away from his face and pouts at his best friend and roommate Zayn who merely rolls his eyes because trust Louis to be such a drama queen.

But that post still gets ten thousand notes easy and it's completely outrageous and Zayn whacks him on the head when he sees it but Louis finds himself idiotically grinning at his laptop screen.

His followers are crazy and they're dedicated and they'll tell him he's the funniest and that they piss their pants reading his posts and those little messages put a smile on face and make his ego just a bit larger.

He can't answer all of them because holy shit, there's so many but he tries, he really does and maybe he doesn't follow back everyone but he does his best to notice them if they want him to.

What really makes his day are the tumblrs dedicated to him, as if he's what, Justin Bieber or summat because it's so ridiculous, they don't even know him but they want to make a whole blog for him.

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