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Louis Tomlinson was a male nurse at a hospital. One day a guy was brought in who was in a coma. No one knew his ID, so no one visited him. Something pulled Louis to the guy. He felt like everyone needs company and though the guy was in a coma, he needed someone beside him too. All Louis wanted to do was help the guy and wake him up


One place where you could always find Louis Tomlinson was at the hospital. No, he wasn't sick or anything, he was just caring person. The 21-year old nurse was in his last year of college and worked at St. Thomas Hospital. Many people hated hospitals but Louis liked it. It was the place where lives where being saved and lives were being build. Though he was only a nurse, he still felt important at the hospital. He may have been one of the most caring nurses at the hospital. He'd be always there to get you something to drink, to fluff your pillow, to get some food or to simply have a nice conversation with. It may not have been his job to talk to the patients, but it was what he liked to do. And the doctors and other nurses at the hospitals accepted it, because the patients lit up when Louis entered their room. One day, Louis was at the desk looking through some papers when an ambulance arrived. He looked at the door, curious as to who would come through the doors. He then heard some noise and the doors opened. In running came a couple of paramedics with a stretcher. On it he saw a guy who didn't move at all. In a second they were gone again and Louis stared after the paramedics. He then looked back at the doors and waited for it to open again to reveal family or friends of the guy, but no one came in. Louis frowned and turned to the receptionist.

"Who just came in?" Louis asked.

"We don't know. Someone saw him at the side of the road. He had no ID on him," she answered.

"So, his family doesn't know he's here," Louis said.

"No, sadly not."

"Okay, thank you," Louis said. He grabbed a couple of files of people he needed to visit and went to the ER. Outside he saw two doctors talking.

"Hi, excuse me. What's wrong with the guy who just came in?" Louis asked.

"Oh, Louis. Don't bother with this one, okay? He is not the person to care about," one of the doctors said and went into the ER.

"What... what did he mean?" Louis asked confused.

"He meant you attach to people who you shouldn't attach to," the other doctor said. Doctor Payne was his name, Louis always quite liked him. He was in his last year and still very young, but he had a great future ahead of him. "Look, the guy probably isn't going to make it. He got hit by a car and they found him on the side of the road. We don't know how or why it happened. He had no ID on him, so we really don't know anything about him. And his condition is critical right now. I need to go in, but please don't get your hopes up, okay. Just continue your shift and go home," Doctor Payne said squeezing Louis' shoulder and went into the ER. Louis sighed and looked at his files. Well then, he would just have to do his round. He first went to mister Chester. He was an old man who had been struggling with cancer for over ten years now. It was the third time the cancer came back and this time it was very persistent.

"Hello mister Chester, how are you doing today?" Louis asked as he came in the room. The man was lying in bed reading the newspaper.

"Oh, hello son," the old man smiled and folded the newspaper. He tried sitting up, but he was very weak so Louis helped him sit up, "Things are going okay. Woke up this morning without pain, so I have a feeling today is going to be a good day," the old man smiled.

"That's great, mister Chester," Louis smiled and sat down next to the man, "I'm just going to go through the file for a moment," Louis said and read quickly what he was meant to do. The file told him the man needed to get his medicine and that he was supposed to have a short walk today.

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