Chapter 2

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Tris POV
Mrs. Zina is a old fat short woman who always looks mad at everything

When she waddled into class she just stared at me

She scares me

A lot

Four is sitting beside me and giving me awkward glances and I return them


He's hot

I don't pay any attention to the class

And the class after that

And the one after that

Or even the next one

And the day proceeds like this

With four staring at me

And me staring at him

And then comes lunch

It's lasagna and frie day


I get in line and the lunch lady stares at me


What's with this school

And she stares at me until I take my hand and tap her on the forehead

She snaps back and says

" watch what you do here missy or your dead"


Well I'm definitely not scared now

What did she mean by that anyway

I pay for my lunch and start looking for a table

Four calls me over to sit with him and a few of his friends

One guy introduces himself as Uriah and says his brother is Zeke

Another girl introduces herself as Christiana

And four points to a girl Marlene and then to a girl who looks a bit older named Lyne

Uriah points to a bigger guy and says his name is Al

And then a guy rudely interrupts and exclaims that his name is Peter

They all seem nice except Peter

Four whispers in my ear " Peters never sits with us before so watch out"

What did he mean by that?

Then I lean in a whisper back

" what?"

He says " I'll explain later"

We eat our lunch happily

I talked to Christina the whole time because the boys where talking to each other

More like whispering

Fours POV•••••••••••

All of a sudden Uriah leans onto me to whisper in my ear

"She's a good lookin' one huh. First in a while"

"Shut up!" I reply

I notice tris looking at us while we argue in whispers

I wish I sat on the other side of tris where Christina is

Speaking of Chris ,Tris and her seems to be getting along when Tris isn't sneaking glances my way

I decide to get up to get up to grab a water bottle from the vending machine to break the tension

When I get up I take a sharp turn around a table to look cool

My foot hooks around the corner of a chair and I fall right on my face

Everyone bursts out laughing

Everyone except my friends

Chris looks like she wants to laugh but knows it's mean

Uriah and Zeke give me hopeless shrugs

Lyne and Marlene both look shocked
And tris is.....

is running up to me with a worried look on her face

Great way to make a impression

Falling down like a idiot

Wait why do I care what she thinks of me

I never do that

When she gets to me she wraps her fingers around my arm and asked

"Are you ok!?!?"

When she touched my arm I stiffened because of the electrical shock that I felt

She makes an attempt to help me up and I use my arms to push myself up the rest of the way

"Are you ok?" She asks with a worried look on her face still

I just stare at her admiring her Beauty

What's wrong with me!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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