Chapter 5 (New Me)

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I was still me, I am still me but at the same time I was not, I was changing. 

I was really surprised at that time. I had no idea who I was, I know I was still America but I wasn't the America I used to be.

I was still the old America but also a different America.




A meteor falling from the sky, sailing sailing through the air, nearing a cornfield. Coincidentally a couple was driving toward the incoming meteor. They almost collided but the man steering the wheels turned the car, dodging the meteor but collided with the fence, the meteor crash through the cornfields. The couple got out of the car and went to the crater the meteor made. At the bottom of the crate they found a capsule, holding a baby. The capsule opened and the couple picked up the baby. 


The Island was roaming with beautiful women dressed like an ancient greek goddesses. There were temples of Greek gods and goddesses everywhere. The women were trained warriors, beautiful but fear-some fighters. Then there was a woman that stood out the most from rest of the other women, she was dressed royally, she was the queen. The queen was surround by real gods and goddesses. The gods and goddesses were blessing the baby, the queen held dearly, with gifts and power. 


"Gasps!"America gasps as he wakes up from his dream. What was that! T-that was a dream? No! it was a memory! B-but I-I don't remember any of it, I don't remember experiencing any of it! What's going on!?

America's thoughts were interrupted by a knock from his door. "Hey! Murica! Wake UP! Let's get some breakfast!" Flash cried out happily. 

America shrugs off of his previous thoughts. I will think about it later, Maybe I'm just hungry that's all. He shouts toward the door, "Alright I'm up! Go ahead to the cafeteria! I'm going to take a quick shower!" He gets up from his bed head toward the shower.

Flash heard his friend's shout and reply, "Alright! I'll be waiting!" He quickly flashed away to the cafeteria. 

America strips off of his clothes and quickly enters the running shower. After away under the running hot water, America sighs and relax his tense muscles. He took a bottle of shampoo and washes his hair then took a bar of body soap and washes his body. Once he was covered with soap he rinses it off, then suddenly he was attacked by a painful headache. From the painful headache he saw another memory that he never experienced.



"Give Me Your Money!" 

A man was mugging a rich looking family. The father fought against the hoodlum but was shot to death with his wife. The hoodlum ran away leaving the only survivor of the family, the only son, the boy knelt down beside his dead parents and cried. His eyes was swearing that he will avenge them.


After the flash of memory, America noticed that he was in the shower for quite awhile, he checks himself if he still had any soap on him then left the shower and dried off. America looked at himself in the mirror as he dried his hair. What was that? Am I going nuts!? Another flash of memory that I never knew and experienced. That boy from my new memory, he feels familiar. Have I met him before? I just can't place where I have met him. mmmmmh. America continues to think while he brushes his teeth and getting dressed to his Captain America costume. Oh, well, I will remember it eventually! I'm hungry, food first, think later!. With that thought in his mind he left his room, walking toward the cafeteria where his friend Flash was waiting for him. 

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