how we were lost

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It was the typical day for the Ulitmate 75th class. The usual sexual remarks by Hifumi towards the couples, the raging outburst from Mondo, the classes spare time filled with enjoyment and laughter. Except something threw Kiyotaka off, making him more uptight than ever.

"Aww come on! Cant I enjoy a nice fickin' shower with you?!" Mondo screamed from the other side of their now shared room. Surprisingly eveyone in the academy sort of embraced and even praised their relationship, even if it was hard for Mondo especially to come out. "I already told you Owada-kun, it's not permitted inside of a school zone!" The raven haired boy shouted back. Good thing the rooms were completely sound proof or else the entire academy would've heard most of their conversations.

"Fine, imma go out for a walk 'nstead of waiting for your cute ass!" Kiyotaka became a deep red velvet from his boyfriends words. He'll never admit it but he can't help but get aroused from Mondos macho persona. He always loved how dominant the other was from his day to day actions, even his simplified vocab gets him a little on his toes.

As im walking down the halls I run into our friends. "Good evening Mondo!" Sayaka the Ultimate pop sensation says as she approaches me. "Hey whats up!" I replied with my own cheery tone and playful smile. Sayaka is probably the only other person im super close with, ever since freshman year when I cried on her shoulder on nights I couldn't get over Kiyotaka when I thought he was straight. Hell before our little rendezvous in detention last year I always had him in my mind and she would be there for me. I see her as the sister i never had. "I was just heading to my ultimate lab so i can practice my new song! Maybe you can come so i can have a practice audience as well!" "No need to ask me twice!" And with that we were on our way.

I finally turn off the warm water. As always I despise the cold that follows, the steaming water is the only thing I can relate to as the feeling I get from being held by Mondo. The steam that remains numbs my sight a little as I look for my uniform drawer. The platinum white easily pops off from the rest of the bathroom so i grab it and put my pants and button up shirt on.

I give the bathroom some time too clear up from the foggy-news by opening the door and putting on my command boots. Once the dew is gone i head back in to fix up my hair into the typical spiky style,  but after viewing myself I take into consideration what Mondo told me the night before 'Why dont you try pushing it back upwards withoit the spikes?'. After the little flashback i decide that I kinda prefer the new look and keep it that way using Mondos styling gel.

Kiyotaka managed to stumble across the Ultimate lab for Sayaka with his best friend Kaito and finds Mondo inside with the a mix of the 3 classes. Keefe Akamatsu was playing the grand piano for the song and her notes fit perfectly with the words although she hadn't even rehearsed for the specific song.

I cant help myself
I don't need no one else
Just your touch is enough for me

Sayaka's beautiful vocal serenade the entire room. "Looks like we made in in time!" Kaito says as he lets Taka's hand go. Although some may find it weird its completely normal for them to do so in a protective way, especially Kaito since he is just a protective soul. Even Mondo who could get extremely jealous at times was not at all phased by it and found it sweet that the two cared for one another so much.

Taka walks to his boyfriend who motions him onto his lap. Mondo was huge in every way possible so as  Sayaka tells him, he's a thicc king and Kiyotaka couldnt agree more, his thighs are like a perfect sized mini couch for Taka and Taka only. "Hey, glad you can make it." The biker whispers in his ear before giving him a smooch on his neck. Taka relaxes himself against Mondo, his back feeling every muscle on the other. "Glad I was able to find it." Taka replied, turning to face Mondo. They both stared into eachothers eyes for what seemed like a century of beauty.

Our future is all i see

When im with you
I see us dancing on the moon
While the stars glow true


The two boys slowly closed the gap between their lips and seal it with love. And at that moment everything
around them disappeared and they could only fell the other. Sayakas angleic voice and Kaedes blissful notes formed into one wave that shields the boys into their own galaxy. They opened their eyes as they parted and could see the stars that they formed as one. "I love you." Mondo said without as much as a breath of a gasp. "I lov-" seemingly out of nowhere they were cut off by a sharp pain in their heads. They all went blind for a second as you can hear screams "WHATS HAPPENING" they hear Kaito yell "MY FUCKIN' HEAD" everyone insde the room was running around dling the same and the last thing Mondo heard from the other was "MONDO" and with that everything went white.

No one was prepared for the despair to come.  No one was prepared for the tragedy they'll face.

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