Chapter 2- The Family

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HEY! Just a heads up, the actual puppy called the kids who adopted him "Human Puppies" and the kids' parents "Mother" and "Father".


Human Puppy one (I named them that because they were the first one I saw) carried me in the rain. The rain was cold, the air was cold, but Human Puppy one was warm. I snuggled up to Human Puppy one and they snuggled me back. I felt like I was with Mother again. Mother... I miss Mother. But Mother is gone now, and I may never see her again.

After a long walk of being snuggled with, Mother, Father, and Human Puppy one and two walked into the mouth of a giant animal (house XD). The giant animal did not eat us though, interesting.

Inside the giant animal, there were couches, tables, chairs, and a big flat box with moving animals and humans. The place smelled like... Smoke? I couldn't pinpoint the smell exactly but that is what it smelled like the most. I wasn't inside the giant animal for long, though.

Father put something tan-ish, like the color of my spots, around my neck. The round tan-ish thing had a string hanging off if it. Father handed me to Mother and Mother took me out of the giant animal's mouth into the cold rain. Mother then tied the string to a long, thick stick. Then Mother went back inside the animal and left me.

I thought, maybe, Mother did this because she had a surprise for me and couldn't let me see it. So, I sat there, waiting. And waiting. And waiting. I must have fallen asleep because I saw a light. I was back inside the animal! Nope, I was wrong. I was still outside of the giant animal. the light I was seeing was the big, bright yellow Sun.

What woke me up was barking. Barking? Yes! I heard barking! There was another dog here! I was so happy I started barking back. After I started, there was silence. But the barking started up again.

I and the mysterious other dog were talking up a storm, like the one last night. Last night... The humans left me overnight. Outside in the freezing cold. That's when Human Puppy two came out. Human Puppy two was a girl. She gave me some food and a little bit of water. I hadn't realized I was hungry until I saw the food. I immediately lunged at the food and gobbled it up. I also drank all of the water. I felt happy, well a tiny bit anyway. Human Puppy two pat my head and went back inside the giant animal.

Once again, I was left alone...


Hey guys! I updated "The Puppy!"

I hope you guys like this story, and hope to see more of it!

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With lots of love,


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