Chapter 3- The Dog Across the Street

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Once again, I was left alone...

I really didn't mind though, because I was left to talk to the dog across the street. I soon had found out that the dog was a female, and she had the best home-life any dog would give their soul for. She had plenty of food, plenty of water, a lot of love, and two older sisters.

"Oh!" She began one morning, after both of her humans left on a giant, yellow wolf, with giant black paws. "I just realized I have never introduced myself! I am Penny Garcia Barba!"

"Oh, yeah! My name is... Well, I don't really have a name." I answered back, well tried to.

"Well, howz aboutz I give youz a name?" She asked, politely. She always puts "z" at the end of her words when she gets excited.

"Okay, sure!" I told her.

"I had a twin brother once, and I just adored his name. How about, Lucas?" She asked.

"That's perfect, Penny!" I said, using her first name.

"Yay! Okay, Lucas. What you wanna talk about now?" She asked, once again. It had only been five (dog) minutes ago when she asked the same question.

"Hm..." I pondered. Right then, Human Puppy one came out of the house (I had learned it was called that) and untied my rope (I had also learned about that). He then led on to pick me up. Soon after, the rest of the family, Mother, Father, and Human Puppy two came out. Human Puppy two gestured to Human Puppy one, like asking if she could hold me. Human Puppy one pulled back, not wanting to let me go.

Human Puppy two looked defeated and walked to a big, white, dog with big, black paws. The white dog let the family, and me, inside of him. Then, we left. I never got to say goodbye to Penny! I tried to make the Human Puppies open the... Window was it? But they never did.

I watched helplessly as we passed Penny's home yard. I knew it was hers because I saw her. She told me what she looked like the second time we had talked, but I actually got to see her, kind of, face-to-face. She looked just like me! The same number of spots, same long snout, same fairly long legs, and she just really looked like me! I could have sworn she could have been my twin sister before she left.

Just before we had totally passed her home, I saw a human grab her rope and pull her inside. Though, Penny didn't look hurt in any way. She just walked into her house and watched me leave.

I could have sworn I saw her crying...


Hello, my beautiful people! I'm sorry I haven't been uploading any of my stories, and hope to get right on that! I had recently gotten addicted to an anime a friend suggested to me, and couldn't stop watching it.

Also, the reason that this chapter was shorter than most ones was that I wanted the next parts the be a chapter of their own. Trust me, It is going to be hectic. I don't really like where I'm going with this story, but this is how the puppy lived. I wanted to share this poor puppy's story because I don't want you guys reading, or anyone for that matter, to treat their animals this way. I want you to know how the animal feels when they are treated badly.

I want to stop animal cruelty. I know it still exists and it is not a thing of the past. But, let's make it a thing of the past. Make animals feel loved and appreciated, not hated and mistreated.

P.S. The anime I was talking about is called "Black Butler." It is on Netflix but watch at your own risk. AND DON'T COME TO ME AND SAY THAT IT WAS "TOO INAPPROPRIATE FOR YOU!" I have warned you to watch at your own risk!


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