🍋 Deku x Reader

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This was a story I previously made for a friend so...Y E E T  and your 'older sister' is my oc. All extra characters in this are my ocs.

  You were walking to class when you saw your blind, mute older sister getting bullied yet just standing there. Your sister, Unaka, was 6 while You were 5, but you still couldn't sit around and do nothing, but then you hear a small boy's voice. 'Stop it Ka-Chan!' And that's when you knew you would remember this boy.

~3rd person POV~

   Nine years later and (Y/N) was in the Hero course with Unaka, even though They both got in on recommendations. (Y/N) was the only one who was excited for the school year while Unaka just signed small nothings to her self. (Y/N) could understand sign language but she learned the hard way that it wasn't nice to interrupt Unaka while she was signing. In her thoughts (Y/N) ran into a boy. 'S-Sorr-' she looked at the boy she almost didn't remember. 'It's ok! I'm Izuku Midoriya,' He held out a hand for (Y/N), but she just stood there but then Unaka walked up behind her and held a small sign with writing on it that said "Please excuse my sister, I'm Unaka Shinamaji and this is (Y/N) (L/N)," (Y/N)slightly blushed and walked past Izuku as he asked Unaka why she didn't just talk and why she followed directly behind (Y/N) but once he asked about her quirk she quickly walked back to (Y/N).

  'First day of UA! Aren't you excited Onii-Chan,' (Y/N) asked Unaka as they walked to they're dorms. 'Too many people try to talk to me...then I almost give away my secret...' Unaka mumbled it a horse voice. 'Ya know,' (Y/N) mumbled 'No one will blame you for being adopted or faking being blind and mute.' Unaka thought for a bit then sighed 'what was your deal with Izuku...we've known him since we were 5 and you just froze...he didn't notice us until I told him our names,' she said trying to change the subject. (Y/N) blushed and looked away then thought for a bit. 'What was your deal with Kaminari? Hmmm?~' She cooded as now it was Unaka's time to blush. 'None ya business...now go get unpacked...I need to find the weight room so I'm leaving you by yourself...ok?' Unaka asked as (Y/N) waved her hand to shoo her sister away. 'I'll be fine! Now go!' She yelled as she entered her dorm then sat her stuff down. 'Now...time to unpack!'

  An hour later she heard a knock on the door and ,her being her, freaked out and hid in her closet. The knocking started again and then a voice sounded after it, '(Y-Y/N)? It's Izuku, c-can we talk?' (Y/N) sighed in relief and came out of her closet and opened the door. 'H-Hey Izuku-Chan! What do yo-you wanna talk about?' (Y/N) asked as she invited Izuku inside her dorm. 'Well...first off I wanted to apologize for not recognizing you...' he started 'Second off...I wanted t-to sa-say...uhm...' Izuku slightly blushed as (Y/N) cocked her head to the side in confusion. "I-IREALLYREALLYLIKEYOU(Y/N)! A-AND EVENTHOUGHWEHAVENTTALKEDSINCEWEWERELITTLEIREALLYHOPETHATYOULIKEMEBACK!" Izuku stuttered out. (Y/N) started to blush. Unaka talked that fast a lot so she learned how to decipher it. "I-I do l-l-like y-you Deku-Kun!" She finally stuttered out as she blushed even more.

   It was two years after Izuku confessed to (Y/N) and they were now laying on her bed playing Mario Cart 8. "H-Hey (Y/N)?" Izuku asked after he paused the game. "Yeah?" She answered as she turned to look at her boyfriend. "D-Do you th-think it's to e-early for se-s-s" he blushed and took a deep breath before finishing his sentence. "s-sex?" He stuttered out as he blushed like ten times more then he was before hand. (Y/N) sat there then cocked her head "what's sex?" She asked innocently as Midoriya stared at her in shock. Then, as if he wasn't even him anymore, he suggested "Well, w-why don't I show you what sex is?" He was still embarrassed but to his surprise (Y/N) smiled and nodded her head eagerly.

   A few minutes later they were both stripped down to their underwear and Midoriya was kissing down (Y/N)'s neck. "D-Deku-Kun~" She moaned as she tried to cover her mouth, but was stopped as Midoriya pinned her arm to her side. "Don't cover your mouth...I wanna hear you~" he cooed as (Y/N) blushed. She had no idea what was happening but it felt good, but all of a sudden she feels Midoriya's mouth on her right breast and his hand rubbing the other while his free hand slipped past her light green panties. (Y/N) remembered reading one of her sisters stories (*cough*Hentai*cough*)and this exact thing happening, she also remembered Unaka saying ,very bluntly, 'Don't read the shit I read if you don't wanna get turned on. Cause that's something your future boyfriend should help you with' then she left to room to finish her outfits. (Y/N) was blushed more when she felt cold air hit her womanhood. "D-Deku-Kun? W-Why do I fe-feel weird?" She asked as Midoriya slid his boxers down to reveal his lil-no huge problem. "U-Uhm...th-thats calles your being pleased, o-or you want m-more..." he never finished his sentence and he gave her no time to ask another question as her kissed her passionately. He stuck one finger then two into (Y/N)'s womanhood and she moaned. Then, right before she came, he took his fingers out and lined up his dick with her heat. (Y/N) whimpered as he did so but when he asked if she was ready she nodded her head yes. Midoriya slowly pushed in and (Y/N) bit his shoulder in pain. "D-Deku! It h-h-hurts!" She wined as Midoriya kissed away her tears. "It'll get better...just wait," he said once he was all the way in. After a few minutes (Y/N) mumbled an ok for Midoriya to go and without hesitation he pulled out and quickly slammed back in, earning a loud moan from (Y/N). This continued on and (Y/N)  was in Heaven, but all of a sudden Midoriya hit her g-spot and she moaned even louder. She was in blissful Heaven. Midoriya hit that spot over and over again until he heard (Y/N) moan out, "D-Deku!! I-I-I'm gonna come!" He was surprised that she knew what that meant, but he probably should have figured, she lives with Unaka for heavens sake! But non the less he was close too so he grunted out a "me too!" And as (Y/N) came he pulled out and came on her stomach. "S-So that's sex?" (Y/N) asked as she yawned. "Y-y-yeah...it was" Midoriya stuttered out but what he didn't expect was (Y/N) to say, "Well, at least we can do it again sometime, r-right?" Midoriya blushed madly but answered her question, "y-yeah...we can," and they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

    ~Unaka's POV~
  'Little did they know I was here the WHOLE FUCKING TIME!! WAITING FOR MY FUCKING SISTER TO COME HELP ME UNPCK!!! I thought as I stared angrily at my sister's door. "They are so dead tomorrow!" I mumbled as I opened my dorm door then slammed it shut.

I hope you like this!!! I love u guys and I hope you had a great Valentines Day!!(yes that late but give me a break) This was a total of 1347 words!!! Again, love y'all! BYE 👋

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