You and Grayson have been dating for two years and recently they met Emma Chamberlain and James Charles and did a collab on youtube. Ever since then everyone has called them the sister squad. Emma would always give you sour looks and get really touchy with Grayson, making him visibly uncomfortable. It was weird but I didn't really say or do anything about it for a while until it got worse.
The 'Sister Squad' had just got done filming a video and they all came into the living room where you were sitting. "Hey babe" Grayson says, walking over to you and pecking your lips before turning around and sitting on the larger couch. James sat on the right of Gray and Emma sat on the left giving you a mean look before pulling her lips into a cocky smirk.
Ethan picked up your feet and sat down where they once were, pulling your feet into his lap. There was subtle conversation before you noticed Emmas hand finding its way to Graysons thigh making him tense up a little. She smirked at you but you shrugged it off.
Every once in a while Grayson would crack a stupid joke that only Emma would find funny. She laughed like it was the funniest thing ever before touching his arm. At this point you were ready to tear her face off and you guess Ethan noticed.
"Whats up Y/N?" he says, his eyes not leaving his phone. "What? um nothing" you say. He looks at you with furrowed eyebrows, "we have been best friends since before you and Grayson started dating, I know that look. Whats wrong?" he says quietly so only you could hear. You didn't want to say anything so you just looked at Emma and Grayson. She was laughing at his joke again. She touched his arm and then her hand landed back on his thigh making him uncomfortable. Same routine every time.
He laughs a little, "You should mark your territory, then she will back off" he says feeling good about what he had said. You had to stop yourself from busting out in laugher, "Mark my territory?" you say smiling, "Did you really just say that" you ask him. He looks at you and frowns, "way to ruin the moment Y/N". You laugh and shake your head.
"We should watch a movie" Ethan says after a few minutes of silence. "Sounds good to me" Grayson says as they both get up to get popcorn. "God i have to pee" James says getting up and sprinting to the bathroom, leaving you and Emma alone in the living room. There was a few seconds of awkward silence before Emma blurts, "Look Y/N you are a sweet girl and all but, I think Grayson just lost interest in you"
You stare at her for a moment with furrowed eyebrows, "Oh really" you say. This time YOU have the cocky smirk. Before she could answer E and Gray walked into the living room with the popcorn and Grayson immediately sat next to you, pulling you into his chest. You look up to see Emma glaring but you just wink at her.
Throughout the movie James would always crack a joke about how some of the womens makeup was...a mess.
After the movie James drove Emma home, Ethan went up to his room to do god knows what and you and Grayson went into your shared room. It was almost 3 in the morning so you guys got into bed. You thought about what Ethan had said, was he right or was he just stupid? After a while of thinking like that you decided enough is enough and you had an idea.
You turned over and saw Grayson scrolling through Instagram, you hesitated but you grabbed his phone out of his hands and put it onto the dresser. "What was that for?" he asks looking at you. You straddled his waist and kissed him passionately. After a few minutes of this you could feel his erection poking at your thigh. You smirked into the kiss.
You started trailing kisses down to his neck, definitely leaving marks. Grayson didn't notice though, he was to 'excited'. After you thought you had successfully 'marked your territory', as Ethan had said, you started trailing kisses down his abs and unbuttoned his pants. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You know what happens next~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You woke up to Grayson yelling your name, "Y/N!. You turned over to see a confused and kind of angry Grayson. Hickeys all over his neck. "Y/N i have to film a video today why did you have to give me hickeys today!?" he said frantically while I just laughed.
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"It's not funny!" He said running his hands through his hair and pacing back and forth, "What am I gonna do?!". You sighed and got up, wrapping your arms around his waist calmly. Doing this always calmed him down. A few seconds later he slowly wrapped his arms around your neck. "Its Thursday, you have 5 days before you have to post a video. This video can wait a day..." you say pulling away then looking at his neck "or two..". Grayson jokingly pushes your shoulder and scoffs as you laugh.
Makeup most likely wouldn't have worked to cover up the hickeys anyways so Grayson just didn't care and didn't try to hide them. When you got downstairs you saw a very sleepy Ethan drinking a soda. When he saw Grayson he almost spit the soda he had in his mouth out. He swallowed and started to laugh. Grayson rolled his eyes and got the same kind of soda out of the fridge, "Lets just go" he said walking out the front door.
"I see you took my advice" Ethan says quietly so Grayson couldn't hear but you could. "Yep" you say not really wanting to talk about this with Ethan.
As you guys pulled into the driveway of James' house you saw Emmas car in the driveway, she was already there. Ethan looked at you with a smirk and you all got out of the car and walking into james' house. "James?" Ethan calls out, "Kitchen!" he yells back and we head to the kitchen.
You walked in first and Emma gave you a look, she wore really short shorts and an even shorter crop top. Obviously knowing Grayson would be there. Ethan walked in next with his camera in his hand while Emma put on a smile. Her smile immediately faded as Grayson walked in and everyone got a full view of his hickeys.
James almost choked on the muffin he was eating and Emma, not wanting to talk or make eye contact with us either of us, slouched down in a chair. Ethan nudged you with his elbow and you all sat down at the table.