Can we carpool?

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Hello! Sorry for such a filler chapter but this chapter introduces the new family and their relation with the current families of SKY Castle and also explains why Ye Seo and her family are still connected to SKY Castle! Hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading!

Hello! Sorry for such a filler chapter but this chapter introduces the new family and their relation with the current families of SKY Castle and also explains why Ye Seo and her family are still connected to SKY Castle! Hope you enjoy! Thank you f...

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"Tomorrow.. Can we carpool with Soo Han on the way to school?" Yeon Sung asked his mum. "We talked in class about carpooling together, but I think it's best for me to get your permission first and then for you to ask his mum."

"Are you close to Soo Hanie?" Bok Hyun changed the conversation, she didn't feel comfortable with her son hanging around with a non-studious child nor talking to any of the other mothers of Sky Castle who scorned her upon the mention of private education.

"Yeah. That's why we want to carpool together. Can you ask Soo Han's mother when you reach home? I'm sure Soo Han's asked his mum and she agreed."

As a protective mother, she really didn't want to say yes, but to her precious little prince, that wasn't something she could do. "I'll drop by to ask. Just focus on your tutoring class tonight and I might pick you up with good news."

Bok Hyun kissed her son's cheek and gave him a reassuring smile. She motioned to his packed supper, in case he forgets it, and unlocked the car door.

Yeon Sung lovingly smiled, "I'll come back after learning a lot."


I can't believe I'm doing this.. Bok Hyun pushed the intercom button on the Woo household and fixed her clothes as she waited for a reply.

"Oooh. Yeon Sung's mother! I'll open the door!" Ah, how can that woman's voice still be so sharp at 11PM.

The wooden door opened, revealing Jin Hee with her perfectly curled hair pushed to one side and an ever so fake smile on her face. "Yeon Sung's mother! Come in, come in! I'm sure you came to ask the same thing Soo Hanie asked about! It's about the carpooling, right!"

"Oh.. Yes. My Yeon Sung would like to carpool with Soo H-"

"Oh! Of course! I think that's such a good idea too! Our sons can get closer together on the way to school, and we can take alternative days to sleep in!"

"Ah, I don't really plan on sleeping in.. I just.." Bok Hyun noticed the slight angle change of Jin Hee's smile. ".. Let me take Monday, Wednesday and Tuesday then." She continued.

My Soo Han might like your Yeon Sung but I don't like your show-off little dog-ass face, Jin Hee thought.

"Alright then! I trust you and Yeon Sung will treat my Soo Hanie well, seeing as my Soo Han quite likes Yeon Sungie. I take that you'll sleep in tomorrow seeing as it'll be Tuesday?"


Bok Hyun smiled and with a muffled-madden laugh, "I'll enjoy my morning well then tomorrow."


 After wishing Bok Hyun goodnight, Jin Hee closed her front door and deducted her smile

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After wishing Bok Hyun goodnight, Jin Hee closed her front door and deducted her smile. "That donkey faced bitch. 'I don't really plan on sleeping in..' What dog sounding bullshit is she saying?"

Jin Hee sultered back into her main living room and sat down into her massage chair. Turning on the settings to match her body, she snickered.

"Who does she think she is? Moving in as soon as Suh Jin unnie's family moved out? Doesn't make you a replacement for Suh Jin unnie at all, you son of a Siberian husky."

Jin Jin Hee being Jin Jin Hee, she wasn't satisfied with being the only one bitching and talking bad about someone alone...

Soo Hanie's dad wouldn't want me to talk bad about his new colleague's wife.. but Seung Hye unnie and Sue Lim unnie might want to listen..? Will they?

No, no no.. Wait, maybe they might want to.. Maybe..?

I have to call Suh Jin unnie! Soo Han and Ye Bin are best friends and in the same class, I'm sure Ye Bin's told unnie about Yeon Sung and the carpooling.


The phone rang twice before Jin Hee heard the familiar 'Yes?' that Suh Jin always picked up with.

"Ye Suh's mother! Have you heard about the family that moved into your old house? The new mother is going crazy on me since her son is close to my Soo Hanie

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"Ye Suh's mother! Have you heard about the family that moved into your old house? The new mother is going crazy on me since her son is close to my Soo Hanie.."

Suh Jin's chuckle buffered through the phone speakers, "Sweetie.. My Ye Bin's been talking about him, don't tell me that you're going to talk about him too."

"Oh ma ma! What has Ye Bin been saying? Bad things?" Assa! Gossip time!

"Sweetie.. I think she's going through puberty, she's been saying how kind and friendly he is. The sentences that kid is included in are only complements.."

Jin Hee rolled her eyes. Ye Suh liked Woo Joo when he moved in.. Now Ye Bin likes Yeon Sung who's just moved in to SKY Castle.

"Unnie.. Watch out.. You never know, it might lower her grades... Listen, the new mum just asked me to allow Soo Han to carpool with her son! Who exactly does she think she is? Unnie's replacement?!"

"It'll be fine.." Suh Jin laughed off. "I'm stopping by SKY Castle this weekend to drop Ye Seo over at the twins' house, I'll drop by your house for a cup of tea.. It's getting late."

"Ye Seo's going to the twins' house? For?"

"Self-study sessions with the twins. Ki Joon's in the same Natural Science stream as Ye Seo was so that's how Ye Seo can still get official notes and tips from school.. I think Seo Joon's just studying with them too for the atmosphere."

"Is that so? Well.. Then I'll wait until the weekend to tell you everything. I'll hang up."

"Sure, hang up. Goodnight!"


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