Holding myself back. | 1/2

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Suh Jin and Ye Seo bowed slightly, greeting Seung Hye as she opened the front door, "Oh, Ye Seo's mother! Ye Seo-yah! It's so lovely to see you again! Come in!"

Professor Cha looked up from his study table. Ye Seo arrived? Professor Cha pushed his chair back and dashed to the front door, managing to quickly fix his hair before standing behind his wife.

"Ye Seo, Ye Seo's mother! Do come in." Professor Cha smiled to the two. "Come, I'll show you to the study room, Ye Seo-yah. The boys are already waiting."

With the Professor Cha and Ye Seo gone, the two women smiled at each other. "I'll go prepare some coffee, be my guest and sit down."

Suh Jin let out a soft chuckle, "Soo Han's mother's been saving her words. Don't tell me you have some things to say too?"

"Unnie, I'm shocked why I didn't speak much to you when we were neighbors. Do sit, do sit."


The dark interior designed room seemed bright, at least due to the laughter of Suh Jin, Seung Hye, Sue Lim and Jin Hee. Seung Hye had called up the remain two mothers for a small reunion over some coffee.. and gossip.

"Unnie! I'm telling you! That Siberian Husky woman came in and made me agree to carpool! Manipulative! Man! Ip! U! La! Tive!"

"Even if she is, my Ye Bin has been going on about her son since the start of this week.. She's jealous that Soo Han gets to spend more time with him."

"Unnie, I was thinking about it.. But I think Ye Bin might like the new child."

The pixie haired mother sighed, "I know.. But I'm holding myself back and letting her be."

"I didn't want to say this but I'm doing that too, Ye Seo's mother

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"I didn't want to say this but I'm doing that too, Ye Seo's mother." Seung Hye cut in with a sigh, her eyes not knowing where to land.

Sue Lim looked at her close friend in confusion, "Doing what? Holding yourself back?'

Seung Hye pouted a smile, "I think my Seo Joon like Ye Seo.."

Sue Lim and Suh Jin fixed their gazes on Seung Hye, waiting for her to say more.

"Oh ma ma!" Jin Hee interrupted, "Since when? Wait- How do you know?"

".. No, Seri's mother. What makes you think your quiet boy like my Ye Seo..? I mean, she's my daughter but I'll say it here.. She's not the type that your Seo Joon would like."

As Jin Hee and Sue Lim giggled at Suh Jin's blunt comment, Seung Hye traced her fingers on the rim of her coffee cup, trying to figure out what to say and convey her feelings

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As Jin Hee and Sue Lim giggled at Suh Jin's blunt comment, Seung Hye traced her fingers on the rim of her coffee cup, trying to figure out what to say and convey her feelings.

"Ki Joon's been telling me things.. Plus, my Seo Joon's the type that's clearer than VVS class diamonds. We ban cell phones during family dinners and when I collected his phone, I saw him and your Ye Seo's KakaoTalk conversation.. There was a heart saved next to her name."

Sue Lim snorted her coffee, "Mi Hyang-ah. Your daughter's got charms, I'll tell you that."


"Yah, Cha Ki Joon! Are the classroom lights not working? Did you write these notes in the dark? I can't read this handwriting!"

Ki Joon stared at Ye Seo with annoyance, "Do you want notes or not? If you don't want it, give it back."

"Then do you want my personal notes or not?" Ye Seo scorned back, feigning a punch to Ki Joon who was sitting next to her. "We're preparing for the entrance exam! The entrance exam! Even if I didn't ask you for school notes, don't you want to take nice notes so you can study well yourself?"

Seo Joon looked at his dongsaeng then back at Ye Seo and looked back down at his Liberal Arts notes. My handwriting isn't any better..

Despite thinking that, Seo Joon felt that the thought is what counts and slide his Liberal Arts notes over to Ye Seo whilst she verbally (and close to physically) fought with his younger twin.

".. the seating! You can take better notes if you sit in my old- Oh? Seo Joon-ah.. What's this?"

"Liberal Arts notes... But there are general notes too! Mr. Moon said you can watch unavailable premium online lectures if you type this code in request.. He said it works for Natural Science and Liberal Arts stream students."

Ki Joon awkwardly laughed at the situation before his eye. This hyung is helping her even when her temper's this short and rotational? Nonsense.

"Yah, Kang Ye Seo. Watch that when you're home. Let's exchange notes for now and self-study. You haven't checked my revision books for side notes yet! I wrote so much in Mrs. Bae's class, my index finger became blistered."

With a side-eye, Ye Seo's eyebrows furrowed in Ki Joon's direction before quickly returning into an eye-smile toward Seo Joon. "Seo Joon-ah, when I reach home, I'll test it out and message you. Thanks."


The clock's hands moved as the ladies laughed and the three high school seniors studied. Soon than anyone thought, the clock reached 5PM.

"Would you look at the time? It's reaching dinner time," Seung Hye daintily lowered her cup onto its saucer

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"Would you look at the time? It's reaching dinner time," Seung Hye daintily lowered her cup onto its saucer. "I'm sure the kids are getting hungry and in need of a break."

The other three mothers smiled and nodded as Seung Hye excused herself to gather the kids from the study room. They had started their little gossip session from early as 9AM, gossiping over tea and coffee for close to eight hours.

She pushed her chair back and stood up, "I'll go call the kids so we all can go out to eat at Signiel Hotel for dinner."

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