Holding myself back. | 2/2

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The twins and Ye Seo talked about the variety of food they could order at Signiel Hotel as they trotted down the stairs, following Seung Hye to where the other three mothers were waiting with their shoes and jackets already on.

"Mum!" Ye Seo exclaimed. "Have you been here since the morning?"

"Aigo, Ye Seo-yah. You look so mature." Jin Hee said as she embraced Ye Seo in a tight (not to mention surprise) hug.

Suh Jin nodded and mouthed a 'yes' to her daughter over Jin Hee's shoulder.

"You're getting prettier and prettier every time I see you. If our Soo Han was blessed with a younger sibling, I hope that the child would resemble you."

Ki Joon guffaw at Jin Hee, "Ahjumma, the last time you saw Ye Seo was last week... Ye Seo-yah, hyung, let's put our shoes on."

The youngest of the high school seniors held his hand behind Ye Seo's back, leaving a friendly space between her back and his hand, to guide her to the entrance hall where their shoes were and to also get away from the overly affectionate aunts.

The four mothers smiled at each other, sparing a glace here and there to Seo Joon who awkwardly smiled back at them and rushed behind Ye Seo and his dongsaeng.

"Let's go ladies." Seung Hye said with blushed cheeks.


"I won't be able to finish it anyway." Seo Joon comforted after giving a piece of grilled yellow corvina tail meat to Ye Seo, the corners of his mouth turning up mid-sentence. "Ye Seo- yah, is it delicious?"

Ye Seo's eyes changed as she beamed a smile to Seo Joon. "Dewisous!" Ye Seo exclaimed with rice and the grilled yellow corvina tail meat in her mouth.

Seo Joon chewed on his bottom lip as he smiled at Ye Seo, "Good."

Sue Lim's mouth twitched at the sight of Ye Seo and Seo Joon, a smile wanting to peek out and appear. She felt some sort of warm feeling watching them, reminiscing how Woo Joo disclosed to her that Ye Seo liked him. However now, Ye Seo's the one with an admirer.

The seven of them were deliciously eating a feast of traditional Korean meal, drinking pitches of lukewarm and chilled water rather than tea or coffee and catching up on what's been going on in SKY Castle.

"Ahjumma! But Ye Bin says the new family is nice! She said that the son helps her and Soo Han study!" Ye Seo said to Jin Hee after a crisp sip of chilled water to clear the greasiness of the grilled yellow corvina.

"You help us study, does that make you nice?" Ki Joon butted in. Ye Seo changed the way she gripped on her spoon and pretended to hit Ki Joon.

"Ye Seo-yah. The way the mother speaks.." Jin Hee replied as disgust crossed her face. "If you meet them, then you'll know what I mean."

"Now that Soo Han's father has taken your father's former position at Joonam University Hospital and has the new father as his assistant.. I'm so scared what happens at work knowing the new wife can act like that to me." Jin Hee continued.

"Sweetie.. Do you not remember what you said to me when your husband was working as my husband's assistant?" Suh Jin questioned, leaving Jin Hee to let out an embarrassed cough.

"Well, anyway," Jin Hee mutters, fixing the posture of her shoulders. "I was wrong for doing that, so why aren't you unnies not understanding why the new mother's actions are wrong?"

"Jin Hee-ssi, asking to carpool is a give-and-take situation. Should Seung Hye-ssi take offence that Mi Hyang's child is asking to do group studies with the twins? Of course not... Because it's a give-and-take situation."

"Sue Lim-ssi. Maybe you're defending her from the position as a new mother of SKY Castle, but you know what's happen the past three years in SKY Castle. Don't you think you should reflect from that?"

"Jin Hee-yah. It's not like the new mother wanted to carpool. Wasn't it her son? Just let it be." Suh Jin sternly adviced.

Ah. Just because I'm the youngest amongst us, it doesn't mean I can just push my inklings to the side and accept your advice.


"Mum," Ki Joon groaned, "I ate too much again."

Seung Hye let out a soft laugh as her son complained of his overeating habit, his sudden aeygo surfacing. "But you ate well, correct? Thank you for eating so well, my little Ki Joonie."

The party of seven had finally finished their meal, which Seung Hye had paid, and were waiting for Sue Lim, Suh Jin and Jin Hee who were currently using the bathroom to come back.

Fastening his last button of his coat, Seo Joon turned to his side to face Ye Seo. Planning how he was going to word his sentence, the eldest twin's eyes naturally widening as he inhaled a deep breath.

"Ye Seo-yah. You're coming tomorrow, right? ....To church."

The long dark-haired teen hesitated. She knew that although he's the kinder twin, he normally wouldn't really mind if or if not she attended church unless they had a volunteer project where they had to work together.

No.. It couldn't be. He's not like Ki Joon... and that situation can't possibly happen again.

"Yup," Ye Seo confirmed as she nodded with an eye-smile. "First mass as usual."

Yeah.. He's probably curious since this is the first Sunday that my family's moved out from SKY Castle.

Seo Joon responded with slow nod as he pressed his lips together, trying to hide his smile of content.

"I'll see you tomorrow then.."

No, Seo Joon-ah. Don't stop here. You practiced this. Don't hold back. It's just asking to sit next to her. You can't always be like this.

The older twin drummed his fingers lightly against his thighs as he mentally fought his thoughts, his drumming growing heavier and heavier as he came to his conclusion.

No, I can do this.

"Ye Seo-yah.. Since you're coming tomorrow, let's sit together."
Thank you for reading! Although there aren't a lot of votes or reads, I'm still thankful for all of them!
oh when i was rewatching sky castle, i found out that professor cha's family moved in two years before youngjae got accepted into seoul medical uni

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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