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Hello :)

Thank you for noticing and deciding to read my book 'The Blood Prophecy'. Unfortunately it will not be available until January 2021. In the mean time I have begun and I am currently working on my other story 'Drill Sergeant' it would mean the world to me if you could check it out. These books have very different styles and plot lines. Hopefully either one can suit your taste.

Here's an EXCLUSIVE  ONE-TIME SNEAK PEAK into 'The Blood Prophecy' (third person pov)


The man lazily tried opening his eyes, going back and forth between real life and unconsciousness. His feet dragged across the floor as if he was levitating, the faded sound of footsteps echoed in his head.

As he tried to move he felt the cold heavy chains that bound his hands and feet. He suddenly broke from his daze and began to move and twist away from the hands that pulled him forward.

He takes a look around him only to find himself being dragged through a long hallway. Torches lit the walls and high ceiling, at the end of the hall was a massive set of double doors, which in front stood a pair of spear-armed women. These women had odd marks in their arms and legs, like blue-glowing tattoos.

As he neared the end of the hall the two  women pulled the doors open and the guards that carried him walked him further until reaching an empty throne-looking chair with all sorts of weird blue carvings, then suddenly dropping him into a kneeling position and disappearing again behind the double doors.

Looking around the room he noticed more torches and voodoo-looking figures propped against all four walls. "Great a hell and demons of its own, who the hell chooses this as a throne room?" he mumbled to himself.

He raddled and pulled against the chains to no use. A side door to the room suddenly opened, he stood still looking down into the ground. The figure approached him and walked around him, then suddenly something unexpected happened, his chains began to be unlocked.

The clank from the heavy chains was heard hitting the ground, still he decided not to move. The pair of feet once again began to move around him, then came to a stop in front of him.

A silent pause. A long moment passed before someone spoke. "You may look up." The low feminine voice spoke. Following the orders given, he did.

In front of him stood a woman with hair as dark as midnight. Her body was petite yet sculpted like that of a warrior. Her skin was tanned and glowed with endless blue marks. Her eyes were the purest blue he had ever seen.

She observed him for a moment, grasped his face and turned it from side to side. "I expected more." She let go of his face and  turned to walk away.

"Underestimating a stranger's ability is a dangerous game." He replied, straightening his
poster. "Is that a threat I hear?" She questioned in a sarcastic manner.

"Is a threat to whoever the hell is keeping me here!" He followed her with his gaze as she paced around him. "Tell that coward to face me himself instead of sending his whore!"

She began to laugh making her way to the carved-blue chair with her back to him. She then turned around and sat in the throne crossing one leg over the other. "You are looking at him." She smirked. The man suppressed his surprise as her eyes began to glow a violet-blue.


I absolutely cannot wait until I am able to release this story. Hopefully you all are as excited as I am. Leave me a comment on your theories <3


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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