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I was walking headed to class and noticed that almost students glared at me. When my way to class, a senior came and suddenly greeted me.

" Hello...Hottie. Ready for our tonight~?" He winked while his gang just laughed. I eyed him. Who is this guy?

" I have no idea who you are but step aside. Btw I'm Arthit not 'HOTTIE'. Ok. " I left them behind and walked fastly quickly to class.

"Play hard...huh. Interesting~ Absolutely my taste." The senior licked his lips while looked at Arhit lustfully.

_________TIME SKIPPED__________

" Ok...class. Dissmissed. Oh...Arthit I want to see you for a while." Mr. Adam announced as I quickly put my stuff in the bag.

" Ok." I nodded.

" Yes...Mr. Adam. " I said as I approached him. It's just two of us in the class since others was went to cafeteria for lunch. Knott want to stay with me but I didn't let him because Knott didn't take breakfast. I'm scared if he get gastric.

" Are you free tonight?" He smiled. But his smile just give me a goosebump.

" Why?" I asked and he slowly take step by step to me. I want backoff but I can't. It's look like my foot was glued on the floor.

" Dinner and you know..." He licked his lips while eyed me up and down and started to grabbed my ass.

" S-sir...please. S-stop th-this." I was terrified what he want to do with me. I tried to run but unfortunately  he can catch me and pinned me at the whiteboard.

" Sir....s-stop!!!" I almost cried and tried to pushed him away.

" Why need to scared? I think it's not the first time, right. I will pay double as long as..." He kissed my neck.

"you give what I want?" He licked my neck.

" Pl-please....s-stop. STOP!!!" I tried to pushed him but failed. I wished someone help me.

" BASTARD!!!!" I heard someone screamed before I lost my knee strength and kneeled down on the floor. I looked clearly who the guy that save me. Knott. It's Knott who save me.

The fight scene between Knott and Mr. Adam seeked more attention from all students.

" W-what happening?" One of them said as they gathered outside of the class.

" You.Son.Of.Bi*ch." Knott punched Mr. Adam until his face was full with bruises and blood dripped from his mouth. All the students gasped watched the scene.

" Knott!!! Stop it or he will die." I tried to pulled him.

" touched Arhit. You will die." Knott warned at the almost dead body.

" Knott. Enough, Knott!!!." Knott ignored what I am saying and continued kicked Mr. Adam who is still beg for a life.

" Knott...enough. Do you want he dea-"

" Yes. Why? Do you pity him? He almost take yo- "

" Do you want to go to prison!!!"  I cried infront of him. That time Knott just silent.

" You are my friend. I-I don't want to lose you. You are the only person that I can rely on. Just please...don't do stupid things that make you regret later." I looked down. Suddenly, he pulled me to his embrace. I don't know why Knott hugged me.

" I'm....sorry." He hugged me tightly.

" Sorry too for yelled at you just now." He said near my ear.

" Thank you for saving me. If you not here. I don't know wh-" Suddenly I felt dizzy and last thing that I remember is black.


" Arthit....Arthit. Wake up."  He fainted. Then I carried him with bridal style to Sick Room. Why Arthit so light. Is he didn't eating?

" Nurse." I called the nurse as I put Arthit on the bed.

" What's wrong with him?" I asked as the nurse do some check-up on Arthit.

" He just knocked his head and fainted. Nothing serious. Beside, he look like didn't eat for many days because he look thin." I stared at Arthit who is still sleep.

" Do you want stay with him until he wake up?" I nodded.

" So, I want to excuse myself."

" Thank you, nurse." Then she leaved.

_________TIME SKIPPED__________

" Where am I?" Arthit asked as he just woke up.

" At Sick Room."

" Oh...what is that?" He asked me who just entered the room with a plastic bag.

" Food....nurse said you didn't eat for many days." I put the plastic on the table and unpacked it.

" I just don't have appetite."

" Arhit you will get sick if you didn't eating."

" Now..let's eat. Let me feed you." I blowed the food because the food is hot.

" You don't need to feed me. I'm not a kid." He just a smile.

" If I didn't feed you. You will not eat. Here." I put a spoon near his mouth. As I expected, he let me feed him.

" Thank you and sorry for always be a burden to you." He said it make me felt a little guilty.

" Why need to sorry? We're friends and friends help each other, right." He nodded.

" But -"

" It's ok. Let's finished this food first. Then we can go back to class." When I feed him. I remembered what this people said to me.


I want to buy food for Arhit. I was happy then until someone spoiled my mood. Kongbop.

" Is it, Arthit ok." He looked like guilty.

" Hmm." I nodded.

" Sorry... I can't visit him because lately I was kinda busy. Anyway it just few month before I go to intern.So, ummm."

" What is it, quickly?" I annoyed.

" I know we're an enemy but can I make a wish." I nodded.

" Please take care of Arhit because I can't be with him 24/7. If something happen...I'm scared that I couldn't protect him.....So can you take care of him for me."


" Knott why are you grinned.?" Arthit looked at me weirdly. He must thinked I'm crazy.

" Nothing...just forget it. " I winked at him.

" Aww...tell me." He pouted. He looked so cute when doing that. It make me almost lost control and want to kiss him harshly and f-.... ok stop it pervy mind.

" Nope...secret~" I grinned.

" You better tell me or I didn't want eat. " Arthit can become childish sometime.

" Secret~~~" I teased him.

" Knott.............................!!!"


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