I've always found myself relating to Shakespeare. He wrote about love in such a very beautiful, very tragic way. I cannot say whether that was his view of love, or if his goal was to simply create an entertaining play. I gravitate towards believing the former.

"Did my heart love till now?"

Will my heart ever love?
I mean how can it, when the mere thought of touching...

"Hey, new girl,"I hear a female voice call. I debate on ignoring her, but decide against it. I turn slightly to face the only other person sitting in the very back of the auditorium.

(The English teacher thought it was more fitting to discuss Shakespeare on a stage. I enjoy the cinematics.)

"Did you get any of that? Who killed who, why?" The fiery haired girl looks completely lost, as she runs her hand through her wild hair. I decide that her hair reminds me of flames. Beautiful and unruly.

"Are you gonna help me or what?" She asks, looking at me expectantly. I smile at her and nod, pushing my notes over .

She takes them appreciatively and scans the paper, drinking in the information. I watch her brows relax as the confusion leaves her face.

"You can keep them, we did Hamlet last year in my old school." I tell her.

"Really? Wow, you are so nice! I could, I could like, hug you!" She moves towards me and I flinch, moving slightly back. She stops.

"Sorry," I laugh gently, "I'm getting a bit sick. I'd rather not risk passing it on." I lie too easily.

"Oh, yeah cool. That's cool."She says. There is an uncomfortable silence. I don't know what to say. I'm convinced my heartbeat is audible again.

"I'm Scarlet, by the way," she says after a while. I decide her name fits her perfectly.

"I'm Genesis, but you can just call me Gen."

"Gen, the honorable lifesaver. I like it! Can I buy you lunch, to say thank you for your generosity?"I feel her warmth, and decide she is more like fire than I originally thought.

The cafeteria is loud. This is my first thought as I walk into the large spaced filled with hormones and anxiety and too many faces to remember.

The hall is decorated in "GO WOLVES!" posters and remnants of confetti lay at my feet. Scarlet says that I was lucky to have missed the sports season, because the school goes crazy building team spirit.

Scarlet leads me to a table, already taken over by loud banter and laughter.

"Dude, you should've seen Prof's face. The old man almost had a fit when Jordan started snoring!" a dark-skinned, curly haired boy half-yells, slapping his knee as he laughs.

"SHUT UP, LUKE! It wasn't funny!" A Korean boy, who I presume is Jordan, yells.

"It's not my fault you-OUCH. You DID nooot just kick me, home boy! I'm gonna..."

Scarlet had cleared her throat, and was looking at her friends disapprovingly. I noticed the smile pulling at the corners of her lips. It tells me she is used to this.

"If you guys are done, I'd like to introduce our new victim-I mean edition, to the group. Luke, Jordan, Cory," Scarlet points to a girl with short black hair, "This is Gen."

They all say something along the lines of a greeting, but I barely hear it. I'm focused on their bodies, nervous that someone might reach for a hug or a handshake. Fortunately, no-one does after Scarlet mentions the possibility of me being sick.

"Right, you stay here, Gen. I'm gonna go get our food." I nod in agreement and sit at the edge of the bench next to Luke.

"You have really cool ...style," he pipes up after only a second or two. I notice he is looking me up and down, checking me out. I fidget in my seat, feeling uncomfortable.

"Don't mind Luke, he is a man-whore," Cory comments. I laugh as Luke starts defending himself. But I'm not listening as usual. I find myself looking around the room, trying to imagine just how many conversations of this kind have taken place in this room. I notice faces and laughter. 

Unexpectedly, two turquoise eyes meet my ordinary brown ones. I quickly turn away.


4pm. Room 1050.
  4pm. Room 1050.
     4pm. Room 1050.

I read the words over and over as I walk through the unfamiliar hallways. I walk past room 709 and feel an ounce of panic, silently cursing myself for already losing my map. The clock on the wall reads 4:05pm. I am used to being late, but it feels wrong to keep someone waiting.

I think, this must be what it feels like to be a mouse in a maze. I think,it would be so much easier if I could smell Daniel, like a piece of cheese. Maybe then I'd be able to find him.

I wonder around for a little, and as the seconds float by, I feel the urge to cry. I tell myself if I close my eyes and wish hard enough, Daniel will materialize. And I do. When I open them, I am still standing in front of room 879. And Daniel is not.

Feeling silly, I turn around and I stop breathing. 

I think, breathing cannot possibly happen when two turquoise eyes are only inches from your two ordinary brown one's; when a tall, dark haired boy is towering over you; when you're too close.

Daniel doesn't move, I do. I shuffle backwards until my back hits the opposite wall and I feel a familiar emotion.


Hey there,reader!
Please,let's get to know each other in the comments!

I'd love to hear your thoughts.What did you hate?What did you love?What do you think is going to happen?
Till next time💕

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