You know that feeling when you've been sitting for too long and your behind starts to go numb. I wonder, is there an analogy that I can make about that feeling? I remember that I'm bad at them, so I don't bother this time.

But I do want to stand up. Really really badly.

You're probably thinking,"Well don't just complain about it. Do it."

And to that I say, you're probably right. The problem is, Daniel has been resting his head on the wall for approximately an hour ...or three and it's pretty clear he has fallen asleep.

Nobody has ever told me whether leaving the person that saved you from your panic attack and sat with you for a while to make sure you were okay while they are asleep in a hallway, is good manners or not.

Now to that you'd probably say,"Gen, just politely wake him up". But I think, waking up someone who looks so peaceful counts as a sin.

And now I'm running out of things to do.

I've counted the tiles on the ceiling and the cracks in the walls and the amount of bricks in between each locker. I know that there are exactly four sport sign-up sheets on the notice board next to room 879. I know glee club starts on Tuesday and I know about the musical theater auditions that took place today at lunch.

But I don't know when Daniel is going to wake up.

I decide the only thing left to study is him. I convince myself I'm doing it out of sheer boredom.

I quickly discover that my eyes flow over his features effortlessly.

His shinny dark hair reflects the last rays of late afternoon sun peeping through the giant open doors at the end of the hallway. Wisps of what I decide remind me of raven feathers, fall onto his shut eyelids. His lashes are long and thick, gently gracing the tops of his cheeks.

I see light stubble along his well defined cheekbones. I remember, the peaceful boy is actually a man. I force myself to ignore the slight jump of my heart, and remind myself that not all men are shadows.

My eyes follow the strong bridge of his nose, and the tiniest dip in his chin and I find myself suddenly stopping at his lips. I haven't been curious enough to touch another person in so many years. I try to imagine what they must feel like.

I think, none of my analogies will ever be good enough to capture what my eyes are seeing. It makes me feel both fortunate and dissatisfied.

I take a deep breathe, determined not to have my forever loud heartbeat wake him. I'm greeted by a pleasant scent as I breath in. Something like pine trees.

I suddenly seem to register our proximity. I glance down and wonder if we'd been this close together the whole time, or if my body had someone moved towards his on it's own.

My heart is running a marathon, and my head can't seem to catch up.

My eyes flicker back up, and I see a sleepy pair of eyes and a gentle smile. I know my lips long to copy his, but I feel like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar. A rush of warmth flows to my cheeks as the awkwardness of what I'd just been doing sets in.

"Hi," he says, sleep still evident in his voice. A shiver erupts down my spine. I think, Daniel can influence my body without even touching. I don't know if that should comfort or frighten me.

"Hey," I reply.

"How do you feel?"

"Better. I think I should be heading home though ,my mom will be worried" I say quietly. It's true, mom is skittish. She's always worried. I know how she feels.

Daniel glances at the time on his phone and hurriedly gets up. "Holy shit, Genesis, why didn't you wake me up?" he sounds upset.

My lips feel like a mouse trap, and words are the bait. I feel myself instinctively shift backwards.

"Genesis? Wh-You're scared? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice. It's just, you should've woken me up. Why did you let me sleep for that long? I'm sorry, shit," he leans forward to help me up and then quickly thinks better of it as I shift further away from him.

He gives an agitated groan and turns to face the opposite direction. My heart is a lump in my throat, and yet all I can think about it is how well Daniel can tell apart my emotions. It puzzles me and makes me feel opaque.

Daniel turns back to me after a moment. He is looking at me the way everyone does when they realize I'm screwed up. Sorrowfully, regretfully.

"Is your mom on her way to fetch you?" He asks .

I shake my head "no".
"I was just going to walk."

"Genesis," Daniel drops down so he is level with me in an instant, a wild look in his eyes."You don't walk around at night, not in this town. Please promise me you won't?" he is staring at me intently, as if his eyes can coax the words from my lips. I'm convinced they can.

"Genesis, please," he says again. I stare up at him, realizing I hadn't said anything yet. His turquoise eyes have somehow shifted into an intense green. I think,this is the color of a meadow in spring.

"My mom's still at work, and I'm not allowed to drive,"I say. "I have no way to get home." He furrows his eyebrows, but doesn't question why a 17 year old isn't allowed to drive. I won't offer an explanation.

"Then I'll take you," his tone tells me that this isn't a request. There is an air of finality in his voice.

I don't fight it. I get up and follow Daniel down the hall. He stops suddenly and turns to me, just before we step outside.

"Promise me, Genesis.Please promise me you won't go outside at night by yourself. There are dangers in the woods. It's not safe."

I don't think to question why a practical stranger is suddenly so concerned about my well being. I don't ask him what dangers there are, and I don't dare to disagree. Life has never given me the courtesy of a warning. I gladly accept this one.

"I promise," I find myself saying .

Hey there!
If you're reading this,you're a true OG.
Thanks so much for giving this book a try,it means the world to me!
I try to update as often as possible(right now I'm trying for once a day),so chapters are relatively short.I'm taking my time with the development of the storyline,because I have some juicy stuff planned.
Please ,gimme any feedback that you can!

Till next time💕

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2019 ⏰

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