Chapter 1

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"Pour the liquid into the beaker," Jonathan reads from the instruction sheet during Chemistry. "I am honestly so confused." I say jokingly as I pour it into the beaker.  

"There's so many different things to do, just for some stupid experiment." Jonathan smiles at me as if I were saying something completely useless. I've known him for about two years now. He moved here and we only started talking three months ago, yet we have become quite close. I really didn't like him at first. I thought he was one of those stuck up boys who was 'just like the others.' Yet, I was proved wrong. He is actually a really genuine person. Lost in thought, I feel Jonathan nudge my arm. 

"Zara, are you going or not?" 

I look confused and it seems like he has realised I wasn't paying attention. 

"To Mateo's party on Friday?"

 Back in reality, I quickly say, "Oh, yea I think so. I mean I'm going to check with my friends first though. You?"

He smiles and says, "Yea, I am. I think it'll be fun."

After a couple of shushes from the teacher and rolling of our eyes, the bell goes and we can finally go home.

 It's Thursday, 4:30, when I finally get home. I shove my bike into the shed and walk into my house, heading straight to my room. Tons of clothing items are spread across the floor, making it hard to move. Somehow I manage to plummet onto my huge, unmade bed and get out my phone to ask Becca, my best friend, if she's going to the party. Within two minutes I get a reply saying that she will - Great, because I can start planning my outfit now. 

The week goes by so quickly, that it's already the end of school on Friday. I walk to my locker, only to see Becca leaning against it. As I reach it, she looks up from her phone, her lipgloss shining even more from the light coming off of her phone, and says, "Ready? We're going to your house to prepare for tonight, am I right?" 

Startled by her sudden appearance I stutter, "Y..yes, why are you so eager?" 

Suddenly her expression becomes a lot more serious. "Okay, don't tell anyone but I've been eyeing this guy." She looks guilty and I role my eyes. "Of course you have." 

"No, but this one really is cute. His name is Bruno King, he has golden brown hair and honey eyes. ...And plus, it would be good for you to finally socialise again with people that are not me." I role my eyes even more. 

"What are you implying?" 

"Well since I will be busy all night, you can go find someone too. Ever since things ended with Jake, you've been so closed off. It would be good for you to get together with someone new." She says. 

Continuing, she puts on an eager voice, "You need to get out of the house." 

I nod my head, taking it all in, but protest. "Look, I know that Jake and I weren't serious and that it was short, but he was my first kiss. He was wholesome and genuine and sincere, and I miss that. I am just not ready to be abandoned by my best friend at a Friday night party." 

Becca roles her eyes again. "You sound like a seventy-year-old woman. Come on?!" 

After begging and begging, I finally do decide to let loose and try and find someone new to start talking to at the party. 

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