Chapter Four, "Video Games"

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Chapter Four

Video Games 

I shut the door behind me, winced at the noise it made, not really understanding how much force I used. It has been a long day. Even though I'm used to full pack schedules, this day brought more to test my mental strength. And let me tell you, it hasn't been easy to contain that smile on my face that the fans required.

The radio interview definitely didn’t go as planned, and never have I been more disappointed and hurt by a fan. After the interview, which Bob and the other arrangers deeply apologized for, all I wanted was a day away from this.

I had this weird feeling in my stomach. Like this wasn't right, that people were right, this may be not something for a girl like me. I mean yeah, I've wanted this for so long and so badly I can't even describe it with words, but maybe … just maybe the world isn’t quite ready for somebody like me yet. Maybe my way of seeing life is too different from how these people see it.

I sighed loudly, kind of wishing back to the old days back home.

Now a day I was so confused at whether I even had any fans. Sure there was a bunch, okay a lot, of girls wherever we went. But weren't they there for the boys? I mean if it wasn’t for the boys, would somebody even know my name? Would someone even recognize me after The X-Factor?

Girls swooned over them, and don't get me wrong, I loved that they could have such an impact on people. Like the things they do actually makes a difference, but did I contribute anything to the band?

I took out my phone from my black skinny jeans and dialed the number that came so naturally by now. I walked over to the big bed, got out of my shoes while I waited patiently with the phone by my ear.

“What have I done to deserve this honor M'Lady?” Erina answered with a fake British accent. A smile began to form itself on my lips. My sister could always do that, no matter the situation she had always the power to switch my moods. Sometimes that isn't a good thing, just saying.

“Quit the act, sweetcakes, I'm not in the mood.” I answered, running my hand through my face, realizing too late that I still had my makeup on.

“So, rough day?”

“Tell me about it, I feel split. And I’m so homesick it's not even funny” I could feel the lump beginning to form in my throat. Hearing Erina's voice brought out emotions that I've been trying to hide for a while now. Not being able to see my family tore me apart in more than one way, they were like my umbrella. Something I kept close at all times, something that protects me from the bad things. I stand really close to my family; it is hard to live in a different country than them, especially when I'm this young.

“Just a few more days, golakam, then you have to put up with my blabbering for a long time.” I smiled when she called me a flower. Being the youngest in my family, I’m often treated like a child. That could be to my advantage for the most of the time, I could probably get away with a lot just by batting my eyelashes.

“What happened today then? I heard from Emily that the twitter world's gone crazy, I wanted to call you actually, just didn't know when would be the appropriate time.”

Ah of course, Emily, Erina's best friend since I could remember. She was actually like head of my publicity for my family, since she was obsessed with twitter, she almost always knew what was going on in my life.

Often when I am really busy, she is the one telling my family what I am doing, she would just ask the fans and they answered her immediately. Because she was so active on twitter and a really dear friend of mine, thousands of fans followed her every tweet, something she found entertaining.

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