Hurt in More Than One Way

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  Eugene has been taking care of Harry while he had been recovering. He could care for his gun shot wound. Bring him extra stuff from his patrol. Bring him dinner every night. He was the best friend anyone could ask for.

  "Eugene, I need to tell you something." Harry said, sitting up in his bed.

  "What is it?" Eugene asked annoyed.

  "I umm..." Harry leaned in closer and lowered his voice so no one else would hear, "I love you Eugene not as a friend but as so much more. You act as if you could care less but I know you care so much about everything. So I'm asking you now would you be with me."

"Harry I can't be with you Zion even if he's with Blue now. I still can't help how I feel my heart just hurts constantly."

Harry leaned in even closer tilting Eugene's chin up he kissed him softly. The exact opposite of how Eugene imagined his first kiss. For a moment he forgot about Zion, for a moment all he could think about was Harry. When they stopped Eugene was bright red and stuttering beyond comprehension.

"Harry I..."he was cut off by another scream. It seemed as though whenever there was something that needed to be said, they were cut off by another dramatic event.

  "Go see what's happening. Don't worry about me I'll be waiting for you real anwser ..." Harry said with a smile.

  "But I... why do you even like me " Eugene said, frustrated with Harry's careless smile

  From out of no where Harry pulled Eugene close again and kissed him. This was quite different from their first kiss ;). Eugene was surprised at first but kissed him back.

  "I couldn't  help it. Your so cute when your confused ." Harry mutters under his breath.

  Eugene was in shock. He was just staring at Harry. But Harry was still concerned about the scream. He pushed Eugene off his bed and Eugene ran towards it.

  There he found Ethan's leg bleeding out. And a bruise above his right eye. He had been attacked.

  "What happened?" Lawrence asked, being the last to find Ethan.

  "I was attacked." Ethan said, grabbing his leg.

  "Let's move him in with Harry." Zion instructed.

  Lawrence and Eugene shook their heads and moved him in the same cell as Harry.

  "He needs bandages. I'll go get them from the hospital ward." Blue said. Before Lawrence had any time to object Blue was gone.

  He was stuck. He couldn't stop Blue then she'd be suspicious. He couldn't attack Blue right now then he'd be caught.

  "Everyone to the common room. Eugene, take care of Ethan." Lawrence instructed.

  Ok their way to the common room Lawrence locked the door that led downstairs. Blue would not be exposing his plan today.

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