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People say that it gets better, and it does, trust me. I am a living example of that. However, what you haven't experienced is hard to comprehend. People sympathize, because they can't empathize. People imagine, because they don't know.

 People fail, because they don't yet know how to succeed. 

Sometimes, it's impossible for people to know unless they've been through it themselves. That's what people sometimes struggle to understand. No matter how many times you tell someone, "I understand!" or, "I've been there!" it doesn't help much. Every encounter we have ever had affects us all differently, so you can never really understand. Sometimes, though, it seeps under the skin and can make all the difference in the world. If you're reading this because you have a friend like me, don't stop trying. It may not work the first few times, but someday it will. So....don't give up.

When you're like me, you're different. You feel different, see things differently,respond differently, and so many more things that you basically are a new human being. A highly sensitive, very aware, new human species 

For me, I can take tests without studying and make A+ grades. I can remember things far beyond when everyone else forgets them. I see things right away that most people don't even notice. I can explain some of the most convoluted and complicated things using my type of "common logic". For those who know me well, I can look at evidence, think for a bit, and think of a theory that no one has even begun to consider, and is, most of the time, the missing link. When my theory is even remotely right, I try to make it as whole as I can. Whole meaning filling in all the holes and making it make sense.

Sounds like winning the lottery, right? I don't blame you if it does, but that lottery comes with heavy chains. Chain that sometimes are too heavy to bear by yourself. Chains like anxiety, depression, and other emotions that don't even have their own names. Being extremely aware also means worrying about every possible outcome, good or bad. Being able to think so far ahead means that some people with think you're crazy and obsessed. 

Everything comes with a price, but a price that I'm willing to pay.

Who am I? I'm a real person. I'm not a fictional character that someone imagined. I'm not made-up, I'm real. A real person, who may have a different name. I am a real person who is putting their experiences into their own, real, character. So, who am I?

I am Natalie, but she is Elise.

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