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Mesperyian sits outside her parents' large, dark doors. Her hand runs through her long, strawberry blonde hair. For the first time in the past 3 years her mother has hope. Mesperyian didn't know Aphrodite, but she could help her mother get her memory back. Mesperyian need the guilt lift for the first time in her life, she needed her mother back and she needed to be able to move forward from a past she had no part in. Her parents' large door swings open and a small, brunette woman with angry, carmel eyes storms out. Following her a tall man with chin length, black hair yells after her.
"She doesn't need your shit right now!" He booms. Mesperyian instantly jumps up resopong to her father's anger.
"I don't need to see this right now, Hades" She spits back.
"Then leave Aphrodite!" He retorts slamming the door behind him.
Aphrodite huffs as she turns to make her way down the long daunting hallway. Her feet stomp on the white marble floor echoing off the high ceilings.
"Hey did it work? Did she remember anything?" Mesperyian asks as she chases her down the hall.
"No kid," she quickly responds "Apparently I'm not important enough."
As soon as she finishes she slams the door in Mesperyian's face. Gathering up her pride she turns away from that disaster and heads back over to her parents bedroom. She lightly knocks before entering.
"Mama?" Mesperyian squeeks.
"Come on in sweetheart," a weak voice responds behind a large, wine red chair facing a huge window that looks over the whole underworld. Mesperyian's father squats in front of the chair with a concerned look etched on his face whispering.
Mesperyian approaches the chair, her mother's long, gaunt figure is slumped in the chair. Her scraggly, strawberry blonde hair frames her tired face. Her once vibrant green eyes now hold little life. Mesperyian squats down by her mother resting her hands on the chairs push arm rest.
"You are getting so big Messy," Persephone coos a small tear trailing down her cheek. Mesperyian had grown at a faster rate than her mother. She stood at almost 6 ft, with the splitting image of her mother the only difference is she has her father's crystal blue eyes and a slightly more athletic build.
"Persephone," Hades warns standing up.
"I'm sorry," Persephone murmurs
"Just don't overextend yourself darling," He sighs, scooping her up. She curls up to his chest.
"Your right," She sighs.

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