Chapter 5.

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Louis's P.O.V.

It angered me. Everything, this jackass did to Gabrielle. Even if I didn't know it still pissed me off. She was gorgeous, she didn't deserve whatever this fuck face did.

"Louis? I'm exhausted, can you we head back now?" I heard her angelic voice ask.

I smiled and nodded. "Let me pay for everything." I said.

Her eyes widened, 'For everything. No, I can't ask you to do that."

I shook my head at her, "No! I am paying!"

I heard her laugh, "Thank you. For everything."

I payed for the clothes and went to grab her hand. I saw her flinch away, "I'm not going to hurt you."I looked at her confused until I put the pieces together. "So, that's what Derek did to you? He abused you! Didn't he."

She quickly shook her head, "No. He didn't. I just- I- I - You don't understand!" She yelled.

I watched as the tears fell from her eyes. I quickly wiped them away. "Tell me, and I will understand." I suggested. She cried quietly, but looked as if she was debating on telling me.

"I- I can't. I'm not ready to talk about it." She collapsed in my arms. I ran my hand down her long blonde hair over and over again.

"Just look at me!" She moved to look into my eyes pointing at her face. "I look terrible. I have disgusting bags under my eyes. I look worn out and tired all the time. I don't even know why I bought tight clothing, I feel gross and ugly in them."

I shook my head over and over at every word she said. "You are fucking gorgeous, Gabrielle. You are. Right now, you look gorgeous. Believe that. I will do anything in my power to make sure you see that. And I will be right there when you want to talk about what happened." I promised her. I met every single word.

She leaned up and kissed my cheek. "Thank you." I knew she meant it.

"One more thing." I said. "I would never ever think to lay a hand on you. Ever." This time I leaned down to kiss her cheek. I moved the bags over to the other hand and held her hand with my free hand.


I unlocked the door to my flat and opened it. 'Welcome home!" I shouted.

Harry came out in only his boxers, typical Harry. "She's staying with us?" He asked confused. Shit, I knew I forgot to mention it to him.

"Uh yeah, she doesn't have anywhere to go and since she just got out of the hospital I thought it'd be best if she lived with us." I gave him an innocent smile.

He just laughed at me. "That's fine, Lou. I actually just cleaned the guest room a little bit, so enjoy your time at Harry and Lou Holiday Inn." He winked at her and she laughed. Oh, Harry, always the flirt.

"I'll help you unpack the bags and stuff since it'll be hard with your cast." She smiled at me. God, her smile is adorable.


I walked down the hall. "Well, this is Harry's room." I said pointing to the door next to me. "This is mine." I said pointing to the door across the hall from Harry's. "And this is yours." I pointed to the one next to mine. I opened the door. The room is huge. The walls are white and black. The floor had black carpet. There was a huge king size bed on the wall, with a wooden dresser, and a flat screen TV.

"Is this okay? We could always buy paint and new furniture and redo it?" I offered.

She smiled, "No, this is perfect."

I smiled back, "The bathroom is right across the hall. The room next to Harry's. Feel free to use it. Oh, if you want to you can hang pictures and posters and stuff. Make it however you want. This is your house now."

She gave me a huge hug. "I'm gonna shower and stuff. But seriously, thank you for all of this." I hugged her back.

"I'll call you down when dinner is ready." She smiled and nodded.

Gabrielle's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe how sweet Louis was. Harry to, but I barely know him.

I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, a pink flowy top, a bra, and some underwear that I had bought today and walked to the bathroom. I was actually a little excited to wear clothes like this. I never did around Derek cause I always felt like he perv on me and I never felt beautiful enough with him. It may have only been a day, but Louis's already making me feel like a better, beautiful person. Just with the words he says and how he says it, I know he means it.

I hopped into the shower when I realized I can't get my cast wet. I quickly jumped out. "Fuck." I mutter to myself. I had to call Louis and ask him what I should do. I wrapped a towel around me. "Louis?'' I called.

"Yea, love?!" He called back immediatly.

I smiled at the sound of his british accent. "Uh, how do I shower with my cast? It's not supposed to get wet?!" I yelled back.

"Hold on!" About five minutes later, I heard footsteps outside the bathroom door.

"Can I open it?" He asked through the door.

"I'm in a towel, so yeah." He slowly opened it. I felt his eyes trail over me. He quickly looked up and looked into my eyes.

"Uh, Harry. Harry said that you can put cling wrap over it and, it'll uh it'll work." He stuttered opening up the package of cling wrap.

I chuckled at him. He helped put the cling wrap over my cast. "Thank you." I told him.

"You say that to much." he chuckled. "Sorry." I laughed with him. He started to head out the door, but then turned back.

"You know, if you came to dinner just like that, I would not mind." I felt my face blush and I started laughing as he winked.

"You wish." I joked back.

"Boo, where are the carrots?" Harry called from the kitchen.

"Do we have to eat carrots? They're disgusting." Louis whined, shutting the door, running after him. Leaving me, red in the face and laughing.

I finished up my shower and got dressed. I walked to my bedroom and towel dried my hair. I left it at it's usual waviness. I added some makeup and looked in the full length body mirrow behind the bedroom door. I actually felt normal and beautiful. I put some bracelets on and walked out.

"Good. I was just about to call you. Dinner is ready." Harry said.

Louis came over to me. "You look seriously beautiful, Gabi." I smiled at his nicknamed. "What?" He asked.

"My best friend, May used to call me Gabi. I just realize how much I miss her and my family."

His face flashed to pity. "I'm sorry. I won't call you that ever again."

I shook my head, "No, I like it. You can call me Gabi." I promised. His smile returned and I shot him one back.

"Well, Gabi, hope you're hungry." I nodded and sat next to him at the table. It was tacos.

"My favorite."

Harry gasped, "Same!" I laughed and Louis did to.

"I forgot to help you unpack your bags!" Louis yelled.

"It's okay, we can do it after dinner." He smiled and agreed. I knew I was going to love it here.

Okay! Chapter 5. I hope it's longer. I really did try to make it longer. Well, she's moved in! What ya think? Picture of Louis on the side again. Mwhaa. He is yumm. Justin Bieber's "Be Alright" On the side. COMMENT.FAN.VOTE. Love yaa's(:

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