February 15, second half: She's Mine

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Emma's POV-
Rien: "I've missed you Emi."
Emi is a nickname he gave me back into 4th grade.
Emma: "What are you doing here."
Saying that seemed so cold, I couldn't even look him in the eye.
Rien: "I transferred here. Class 9-A."
Emma: "What? You're the new student?"
Rien: "Yeah. What class are you in?"
I could tell be the big smile on his face that he already knew.
Emma: "Same as you. 9-A."
Rien: "We have design now right?"
Emma: "Yeah. 302, the classroom right over there."
Rien: "Let's go, we dont want to be late."
We got inside the classroom just as the bell rang. I was usually at least 3 minutes early.
The art teacher stopped us before I got to my seat.
Art Teacher: "Oh, your here. You must be the new student. Do you know Emma?"
She said to Rien.
Rien: "Yes, we were friends in elementary school."
Friends? I had no idea he even considered me his friend. I dont know why but I was a bit happy, just to know I was his friend back then.
Art Teacher: "Alright class. Our new transfer student has arrived. I heard he wasn't here during Algebra. Please introduce yourself."
Rien: "Hello, my name is Rien."
I realized that everyone had started to stare at me, and I felt someone tightly squeezed my hand. Only at the moment did I realize that Rien was holding my hand. I could feel my face heating up. I pulled my hand away and went to my seat.
Art Teacher: "Alright. We already started our projects, so I guess we will just have to add you to a group. Would anyone be fine with having him added in?"
To my relief, someone raised their hand in the group in front of me. It was Will. He is a bit annoying, and really likes to talk, but he is somewhat nice. He sat at my table in English class at the beginning of the year. His group was trying to design a product to protect houses and yards from floods. At least Rien wasn't going to be in my group this time. I wouldn't get any work done. The product we're working on is hard enough.
After art, we have gym today.
I went to the locker room to get my jacket, and saw Rien there. He was at the locker next to mine. I had just changed my locker the day before.
Rien: "Hey..."
I quickly got my jacket and went downstairs.
He was at the room for gym class about a minute later. He looked a bit sad.
We went outside to the field today. We were finally having our soccer tournament finals. My team had made it there, but I didnt really get to do much. Rien was put on our team, because we have 1 less member than the other team. Rien was always really good at sports, especially soccer, but the other team had two people from the school soccer team. The only other good players on our team were Will and Julian.
Anyway the game began.
I was really surprised when we won. 5-4
It was probably because of Rien. He did the final goal, and broke the tie.
After class everyone was talking to him about the game. Even though the other teams were supposed to be doing separate activities, everyone hangs around the soccer field during the games. Looks like he's going to get along really well with everyone.
Next was Science.
The science teacher sat Rien to the side of the classroom, and since there was an odd number of students now, he is supposed to work with me and Shon during pair/group assignments.
Nothing else really happened until lunchtime, which was after English.

Rien's POV-
Emma didnt really talk to me for most of the day. She completely avoided me at the lockers before gym. I guess I had been a bit too forward this morning.
During lunch, I noticed she was sitting at a table with only a few other people, and she was sitting farther away from everyone else. I decided to sit with her.
She didn't even react. She was drawing something while listening to music.
I didnt want to bother her. She looked so happy just doing that. So I just sat there, quietly.
I took out a book and started reading while I ate my lunch. She probably already ate.
A few minutes later, one of the students walked up to the table and threw some orange peels at Emma. She just brushed them off without a word. She was always like that. Then, they tried snatching her headphones away from her. She grabbed them back, but still didnt say anything.
Amy: "Hey Emma, Aidan has something to say to you. You know he really really likes you."
Aidan was on our soccer team. He didn't really do much, other than cheer everyone on in between the breaks, but he is really fast. He is a bit annoying though, and really weird.
Emma: "Stop it!"
She said it really quietly. I'm guessing this isn't the first time this has happened. The expression on her face, I had seen it before. Back in 6th, grade, I had caused that look.
Without even thinking, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.
Rien: "Leave her alone. SHE'S MINE."

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