2. The wave.

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"Miss Langdon if you'd like to make your way to the lobby a car will be waiting for you upon your departure." One of the hotel staff says on the other end of the line.
I fix the buckle on my sandal and look at myself in the mirror once more.
I'm wearing a small light blue sundress I tie up the waist band once more. My hair up in a ponytail with a white ribbon tied around it.

Grabbing my phone off the nightstand I grab my bag of cameras and voice recorders and head out of my room heading towards the lobby to start my day.

That's when I got slammed into the wall.
Pain erupts into my shoulder and I wince in pain as I go to see who or what shoved me into the wall.

Nothing, no one there.. just an eerie rumble I hear as the ground below me begins to shake violently.

I hear a scream in the distance and my heart drops.
Earth quake, there's an earth quake.
Oh my gosh.
I turn around back into my room and leave my recording bag behind just holding my phone as I run back out of the room and down the hall towards the lobby.

I try not to let panic set within me but I find my heart beating slightly faster. It could just be it, it could be over, I repeat to myself over and over as I wade through different halls until I reach the main lobby area which leads to the pools and restaurant.

About 50 people stand around, there's plates and glasses smashed on the ground from the earth quake and silence. Everyone is silent, I notice the hotel staff are trying to push everyone upstairs but no one moves.

First the birds start yapping, hundreds, thousands of birds fill the air with a death ridden sound I almost have to cover my ears.
And that's when I looked out onto the ocean.
The ocean that was bare, nothing but sand for as far as I could see.

Everything within me breaks all at once.

"Tsunami! There's going to be a Tsunami! Get to higher ground!" a middle age man  screams.

I go to run up the stairs but there's so many people screaming and pushing I get further away.
A hand grabs me forcefully and pulls me and I scream.
"Sophia it's me!" I turn to see Elijah, panic and fear in his voice and expression.

I crash right into him hugging him tightly, I never thought I'd see him again and now seeing his face is the most comforting thing. But I go back into panic mode in seconds.

"Thank God I found you. We have to go." He says grabbing my arm making me run after him, we run for what feels like forever but it's only about 10 seconds before Elijah looks at me knowing it too late. everything is silent around us, the birds have stopped, the only thing I feel is a breeze and it sends a chill down my spine, tears brimming to my eyes.

I look at Elijah and he wipes away the tears with his thumb.

"We need to get to higher ground Elijah!" I beg him tears streaming down my face. He pulls me behind the front counter in the lobby and we crouch down trying to use the desk as a shield for the war that's about to break on us.

"Sophia what ever happens, meeting you was one of the best things that's ever happened to me." He says and I nod in response not having the guts to say anything.
"No." I sob pulling my head into my hands.

oh god my family, my sister, brother my parents, my job, it's all about to end and I'll never see any of it again..

I don't want to say goodbye, I don't want to die today.

"We are going to die Elijah." I mutter. My throat feels raw and constricted.

"No. No we aren't Sophia. Hold onto me okay, and don't let go, do not let go of me ok!" He says with wide panicked eyes.

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