3. Help.

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I wake up and I'm moving. Is this a dream?
Am I dead? I hear voices around me but none of it's in English.

"No I'm fine I just need my shoulder back in place and I'll be fine! But she needs a doctor! She needs surgery!" I Hear a voice shouting.

My eyes open and there's about 3 Thai men carrying me on a a plank of wood, Elijah walks next to me and when he notices I'm awake he makes them stop.

"Sophia, oh thank God you are awake." He says touching my forehead and I groan.

"You still have a fever, the hospital is just 10 minuets away okay, you're going to be okay, we are going to be okay."

Too weak to respond I just grunt and lift up my hand to grab onto his. I notice his shirt has been ripped off and has been made into a sling for his arm, he grips my hand with his good arm.

My head lies on the side as we reach the back of a Tut Tut, the Thai taxis. Elijah steps in first before they slide me into the back and I cry out as they place me down next to him. My side burns, I go to touch it but Elijah grabs my hand.

"Don't touch it Sophia." He hushes as he caresses my hair.

"You are too good for me." I whisper.


"Please don't leave me." I say weakly and he smiles sadly at me shaking his head.

"Sophia I'm not going anywhere okay. I'm right here we are going to be okay."

I look up at the sky, it's so blue as the sun shines is it the next day? The same day? I don't even know, it feels like hours since the tsunami but it all happened within 2 minuets.

One moment I'm about to start my project of a life time and the next I'm lying in the back of a  Tut Tut dying from a natural disaster next to a man I hardly know but who has shown nothing but care and love for me.
I realise in this moment even when I go back to Melbourne I don't want to loose this man, he saved my life, I owe him everything.. and I'll spend the rest of my life repaying him if I make it out of this.

Oh please lord don't let me die..

When we arrive at the hospital I'm rushed into a room filled with hundreds of people, I'm lowered onto a table because there's no more beds left. I look to the left of me and an old man lies there with his leg gone and I look away quickly at the sight of all the blood as he screams at the doctors trying to stop the bleeding.

Elijah is taken to another room so a nurse can put his shoulder back into place, 2 or 3 nurses comes over to me and start to put me onto a bed.

"Wh-where's Elijah?"

"Where are you taking me?"

"We need to take you into surgery to stop the bleeding." A female nurse says as she begins to wheel me down a corridor.

"But Elijah, I cant leave him!" I say panicked I begin to try and sit up to look around for him but strong hands grip me down or maybe it's just because I'm so weak.

"We will find your friend Elijah but we need you to lie back down, you need to have surgery to remove the piece of tree from your abdomen before we can fly you back home." She says and I have a gut feeling I won't be seeing Elijah anymore...

I give up in defeat, I should be thankful these doctors are helping me but I can't help the tears that fall knowing Elijah is somewhere else alone now.. probably in pain.

"Is there someone we can contact from home?" A male nurse says with a notepad in his hand.

"My mum, Hannah Langdon." I say missing her at the sound of her name. Oh I'd do anything to be back in my parents arms again.
To be home in Melbourne away from this horrible place. A place I once called paradise turning into my own hell in minuets..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2019 ⏰

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