Chapter 21 : Disappointment

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Hellooo friends! Sorry for not updating last night, was doing yard work all day and I've been staying up till 3am the past week writing these so I crashed last night and never updated, sorry! Btw, you guys are really gonna hate me after this chap, try to enjoy?

Stacy's POV

I can't believe this, I went through all that pain and trouble only to be disappointed, very, very disappointed, my baby boy is dead, and it's probably my fault. I couldn't live with myself if it was me that caused it. I fell asleep holding our baby boy, I was woken up by Will trying to pull out the placenta, it hurt when he did, but at least I didn't have to worry about the cords getting ripped out anymore. I fell asleep again and stayed asleep.

The next morning...

I woke up to sun in my eyes and and a very sore.... private.... area, it was so bad I couldn't even move, and I had to use the bathroom, I knew it was gonna be painful when I did. Graser was awake next to me with both of our babies in his arms, I saw him quickly glance at our baby boy and look away, I knew he didn't want to upset me by crying so he tried to avoid getting himself upset. "Hey Stace." He said as soon as I looked over at him, I didn't say anything, I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around him and our babies. We stayed there for awhile, then I remembered, I gave birth in this bed, and Will never got around to cleaning it, we slept in probably a gallon of my blood and water, we both needed some serious showers. "Graser, we slept in my water and blood, we need to clean ourselves up." I said. "Ew, yeah, I forgot about that, I don't think I even washed my hands afterwards." He said lifting up the covers. "Well, at least it's not like, pee or anything." I said awkwardly giggling. "Considering it comes from the same area, it's close enough." He said laughing. "Did I hear the Stacy and Graser awakening in their natural habitat?" Said Will coming up the stairs. "Yes, you did." Said Graser stretching. "You guys need some serious baths, showers, everything, look at your shirt Grase." Said Will, Graser's shirt was white but it was basically a orange and red tie dye from the blood and fluid. "Yeah but, how am I supposed to get up? I'm very sore." I asked. "Um, it's one of those things where the more you move around, the less painful it gets." Said Will. "Ok, I'm gonna need help getting my legs up under me." I said, I slept splayed out to help with the pain so I was terrified to put my legs together, that sounds awful if you have a dirty mind but it's true. "Here, I'll take the little savages and Graser can help you." Said Will, he took are babies and went downstairs. Graser helped me get up, when I stood up it was very very painful, and the rest of the blood that was left in me poured out onto the carpet, and splashed onto Graser, it looked like someone was murdered in our bedroom. "Oh, sorry about that." I said to him. "It's fine, I'm already a mess anyway!" He said laughing. Will was right about the pain though, by the time I made it downstairs, I was already feeling better. I quickly took a shower, to make it easier for myself, I just peed in the shower, we've all done it, yeah, even you. It was very painful like I imagined, essentially it felt like I was peeing knives. I quickly dried off, threw on some clothes, and went to the living room where Graser was holding our babies, we were still dead inside over our little boy, we may make each other laugh, but the happiness doesn't last long. Graser went and got his shower while I called the doctor to get me and my babies, or sadly, baby, checked out.

In phone call...

S. Stacy

D. Doc

D. Hello, how can I help you?

S. Hi, my name is Stacy Hinojosa and I gave birth to twins at home last night, sadly one of the twins didn't make it but I'd like to get them and myself checked out today. Is that possible?

D. Of course! How about 2:30pm?

S. Sounds good!

D. Also, I'm sorry that one of the babies didn't make it but why don't you bring that one in so we can see what caused the death.

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