Chapter 100 : The End.

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(Pls read below, it's HIGHLY IMPORTANT)

Alright friends... this is it. The last chap. I tell ya, this book has been HELL to write towards the end, so much so that I recruited a friend to finish it. Most of the chap itself will probably be her writing, so if it looks different compared to mine, it's cuz it's not mine. Anyway, I never would've met my now best friend if it weren't for this book, so I can't say with full certainty that I should've never wrote this book. But other than that, I do wish I hadn't just jumped the gun and wrote whatever this crap was. I probably should've waited a little. Yet, I now have much more experience to use in other books. But the main thing I hate about my own book here, is that I rushed it and copied a lot of other stories at once. Why? Because I was a noob and didn't know what the hell I was doing. So I just thought that 'oh, Stacy is a chicken in so many other books, let's make her a chicken in this one too!' 'And oh, Graser is like really awesome at giving advice in other books and making her feel safe, let's do that too!' I simply was trying to go with what everyone else was doing. But as it went on, I realized how I really did copy people and so I thought 'ok, I f*cked up. Let's just, uh... ok, let's do something different! Instead of doing a time skip when Stacy is in labor, let's write the whole thing and even make William unrealistically put his hands in her vagina!' Yeah, I only f*cked up more when I did that. Then I got called out by WhizPurr which, I actually thank you for giving me so much advice, you've definitely helped me to understand how reproducing works! XD Furreal, like I knew sex existed but I still simply didn't know if it was possible to get pregnant without it which in my mind, did not make sense cuz I was pretty sure that the 'stuff' from the guy had to get 'in' the girl for anything to happen yet I'm an idiot and was like "whatever, if it's right, it's right, if it's wrong, it's wrong." Anyway, then I felt like an idiot again, so I was like 'ok, let's try to do something different AND wholesome.' Then I ended up making them horse enthusiasts. Like... really, rileyabonds? Tf were you thinkin? Answer: no f*cking idea. Anyway, yeah, this book was so stupid. Please go and read my new book 'Gracy 2.0' as it is much more realistic, wholesome, and reasonable. Again, thank you to WhizPurr for so many pointers and helpful criticism! I did take it personally at first but that's just cuz I'm an idiot, now I'm very thankful for it and it'd be cool if you'd read my new book to see if I've made any improvements or not. And if I did, it's probably thanks to you.

Anyway, enough sappy sh*t! Friends, enjoy the last chapter of this stupid f*cking book. Written by Winter_Plays.

Third Person POV

Gracy, Nature, and Luke were all alseep in in the bedroom, while Graser, Stacy, Will, Shelby, and Liam all sat in the living room talking. They rarely get a chance to do this as they are always busy with YouTube, family, and kids, well, apart from Liam. He dosen't have the struggle of taking care of a child. But the point is, this was a moment that they didn't want to miss.

As everyone talked, Stacy stared at family photos they had hanging on the living room wall. No one noticed her doing until she hadn't responded when they asked her a question. A tear rolled down her cheek as she memorized all of the fun times they've had. "-cy? Stacy!" Her friends shouted at her. "Huh? What?" She asked, awakening from her daze. "What were you doing?" Shelby asked. "I was just looking at all of the photos. The past few years have been chaotic. But at the same time, fun, life changing, heartwarming. We've been through so much- good and bad. It's hard to think where we would all be if it wasn't for YouTube bringing us all together," Stacy replied. At this point everyone was carefully gazing over each picture, remembering the life changing events that have occurred. "Ya know, do any of you guys have like a journal or something?" H asked. "Yes!" Stacy exclaimed, getting up and going to her bedroom. "Get mine! It's on the dresser!" Graser told her. "And I'll go grab mine.." William said, getting up and going to his room. "And I'll quickly run next door and grab mine!" Shelby exclaimed, giving Luke to H. Just as she headed out the door, everyone else came back. "Shelby went to go get her's." H said as he noticed that everyone was looking around for her. "Ok. We'll wait till she comes back." Stacy replied.

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