Chapter 2 (C.1) continued

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Cause why not continue Chapter 1 and make it make sense.😜 also trying to get this chapter out for you guys at like 2:50am (ish).😴

The lifeguard who's name I still don't know the name of is sitting beside me but I doubt for long if his boss finds him from the binoculars, ha i'll have a laugh when this happens... Im kinda glad that it's not a busy morning as i'm still kinda shitting myself when I go to see Hoppo... I think the guys name is Kerbox or Harries or something I don't remember.

As I looked over to the guy his radio crackled into life scaring me slightly.
"Yo, Harries! What you doing with the pretty little lady? Get back to work." Harries chuckled rolling this eyes slightly while I giggled at this.

"Awe, What's wrong Boxy? Shame you missed the chance at speaking to the beautiful girl?"

Oh me lord, is this truly happening?!

"What? No! I'm just saying before Hop comes over instead." He replied defensively but also in a joking way.

Harries laughed then looked over to me. "Don't mind dork over there... he always tries to make fun cause I speak to the lovely ladies. I never got your name by the way... I'm Harries but I guess you knew that."

I laughed at what he says and then replies. "Oh how could I forget, I'm Maddison but I prefer Madi." I smile.

"Madi, nice name.. well I better get back to the job hopefully I'll see you around?"

I nod. "Sure... I gotta go find someone soon anyways, I hope you have a good shift and not to many rescues."

Harries nods. "We try not to but you never know with people these days, and ignoring our warnings and signs."

Harries sighs a little while getting up. Then looking back to me. "Please make sure you drink enough water it's going to be a scorching day."

I nod in reply, "Sure Harries... and tell Boxy to watch out in future" I laugh. Then so does he.
"I'll make sure to relay your message to him later."

He waves then, and so do I then I watch him walk back to his I guess you'd call it a post for the morning with another lifeguard. I sigh slightly getting out the picture of mom and Hoppo, still wondering whether this is a wise choice I'm going to be making.

I shake my head putting it away again in case someone else walks by and pick up the book I'm reading, How to train your dragon (or a book of your choice) then continue reading this for the next couple of hours when the heat really started to get higher.
Shaking my head slightly at the heat I then realised I have no more drinks as I kept drinking while I was reading. Ugh this is so not good, I feel like collapsing I don't know anyone and it seems that all the lifeguards are busy, I'm officially screwed.

Unknown to me someone was always watching...

But who??

Sorry it's kinda short (if it is) I wanted to get something out for you wonderful readers :)
Comment and let me know who you want to come to Maddie's rescue. (Please).

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