Your nicknames

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William: he has given you a lot of nicknames the ones he uses the most are princesses,munchkin,y/nn and kiddo they get used as terms of endearment but the others like baby, mini me,snowflake and nugget are the one that he uses to embarrass you in front of other people because they always seems to get you to blush,making him laugh at you,but the ones like missy he will call you if he is mad or annoyed or you are in trouble,when he calls you shortly and midget he is just taking a crack at your hight I mean we can't all be giants like him, little magnusson is what you're brothers friends or people that know him will referee to you as, geek is just a playful name he will call you because you rather read then do typical teenage stuff and last but not least is the name firecracker was given to you for himself and Chris when they annoy you or make you mad.

Chris: like William he has given you a lot of nicknames but the ones that he uses on a daily basis are kitten, doll, sweethearts, sunshine,
y/nn,pumpkin and angel, he uses those too show you that he loves you,the ones like little one, munchkin and kiddo are most of the time just him and William trying too make fun of your hight and your age,honey bunny, cupcake,Bambi and cutie pie are the ones he will call you too embarrass you if it is in front of your friends or his friends or even random people everything to get you to blush and stutter and get all embarrassed,baby sister Is kinda obvious I mean you are his baby sister after all, baby bear is what he calls you if you call him big bear and monkey is just because you are never still you are always all over the place if it is spinning on a chair or bouncing your knee you are always moving.

Isak: he doesn't really have that many nicknames for you he normally just calls you
y/nn most of the time ,but if you are hurt or sad he calls you princess,if he calls you mini me it is because you are most likely dressed almost exactly like him and he finds this really funny too because not only do you dress like him but you act like him too,like with the others he will call you missy or your full names if he is angry , annoyed at you or you are misbehaving, if he calls you geek it is because you always have your nose in a book.

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